Showing 17–32 of 294 results

  • Angelica lucida

    Seacoast angelica Seacoast Angelica is a perennial that growing from 2- 4 1/2″. The globe-shaped flower umbels and the height make Angelicas a striking border plant. The seed heads may be dried for use in dried arrangements. It will do best with partial to full shade in an inland garden. The large flowers are seen in the…

  • Anthoxanthum occidentale


    Vanilla Grass This evergreen, spreading perennial grass grows to approx. 2’x2′ can be found growing in coniferous forests along the west coast of North America. Space 9-12″ apart. It prefers a shady situation, with summer irrigation. The whitish flowers are held on 18″ stalks above broad, bright green, sweetly scented foliage. Excellent for woodland gardens,…

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  • Apocynum cannabinum


    Hemp Dogbane Hemp dogbane is a deciduous, strong, erect perennial plant that reaches 3-4 ft. tall with a moderate growth rate. Often spreading aggressively from underground rhizomes. The small cream-colored flowers are clustered at branch ends or on stalks from leaf axils. They provide abundant nectar and are pollinated by moths, butterflies and many different…

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  • Aquilegia eximia


    Serpentine columbine Serpentine columbine is a dainty looking tough plant. It is a perennial that grows 2-3 feet tall and not widely available. The showy abundant dangling red flowers grace the plant Late spring through summer almost into fall. Perfect for attracting hummingbirds to sip on its nectar. As the name suggests it will grow…

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  • Aquilegia formosa


    Western columbine This 1-3′ tall short-lived perennial is great for butterfly and bird gardens. A good nectar source for hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Other birds such as finches and sparrows eat the seeds. Combine with other partial shade plants such as California coffeeberry, giant chain fern, island alum root, Douglas iris, hummingbird sage, and currants….

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  • Aralia californica


    Elk clover This large dramatic winter deciduous perennial, grows to about 6′ x 6′ and can reach as much as 8′ around. Elk clover is native to shaded stream banks throughout western California,  Despite its streamside habit, Elk Clover will do well in any soil that does not dry out completely. In the summer, small…

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  • Arctostaphylos bakeri ‘Louis Edmonds’

    Pink Manzanita This 8′ tall evergreen shrub will grow about as wide as tall. The bark is lovely dark maroon and in the late winter through early spring urn shaped clusters of pink flowers that cover the plant. This particular species is very clay tolerant and can also handle surpentine soil. It needs very little…

  • Arctostaphylos edmundsii ‘Big Sur’

     Big Sur Manzanita This evergreen mounding shrub reaches 2-3 feet tall and roughly 3-4 feet wide, but grows slowly. It tolerates cold well, and produces subtle white flowers in fall and winter that attract hummingbirds and other pollinators This cultivar was selected for the garden, and is able to tolerate practically any soil type. It…

  • Arctostaphylos edmundsii ‘Carmel Sur’


     Carmel Sur Manzanita This popular Manzanita cultivar, ‘Carmel Sur’ (formerly ‘Emerald Carpet’) is valued for its dense, petite, deep green foliage and rapid spreading growth, up to two feet a year. It will grow to about 1 foot tall and 6 feet wide in the form of mounds or patchy mats in sandy soils. Space…

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  • Arctostaphylos tomentosa

    Woollyleaf manzanita Woollyleaf manzanita is endemic to California, and a regular residents of chaparral canyons, foothill, and lower-elevation mountain ranges.  The branches are woolly when young.  This evergreen shrub is both low-lying and spreading, usually growing to about 5 ft, and wider than taller. Blooms from January to March, with soft pinkish-white flowers resembling delicate…

  • Arctostaphylos uva ursi ‘Point Reyes’

    Point Reyes Bearberry ‘Point Reyes’ is super-tough with superb heat and drought tolerance. Spreading, mat-forming evergreen shrub; thick, dark green, rounded and trailing-to-arching, snake-like branches and small, leathery leaves. It grows from 1.5′ tall and 4-6′ wide. Great in full sun on the coast or with a little shade inland, it produces sweet clusters of…

  • Arctostaphylos virgata


    Marin Manzanita This manzanita species is endemic to Marin county and can be found in the chaparral and forests of Point Reyes National Seashore. This evergreen woody shrub grows about 6.5″-16″ tall. The small pinkish-white flowers are urn-shaped and hang in clusters. Blooms The leaves are long and narrow compared to many other manzanitas. All…

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  • Arctostaphylos viscida

    Sticky whiteleaf manzanita This is one of the most drought resistant and handsome species of manzanita. It forms a beautiful specimen large shrub–stout, neat, and densely foliated up to 15 ft. tall x 5-6 ft. in spread. Space 6-8′ apart. It may be pruned as a small tree, grown in a large container, or even…

  • Argentina anserina


    Pacific silverweed This lovely spreading perennial grows about 2-6″ tall and can spread up to 3 feet. In its native habitat Pacific Silverweed will be found in wetlands including brackish marshes around the bay area. In your garden if you have a section that stays moist and looking for a ground cover than this plant…

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  • Aristolochia californica


    Dutchman’s Pipe This robust, durable, rhizomatous vine will serve to knit your garden’s shrubs and trees together into loose thickets or attractively cover a trellis or fence with rope-like stems to 12 ft. in length. But it’s most noteworthy feature is its odd, bulbous, 1-1/2 inch flowers that appear in winter and spring, dangling from…

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  • Artemisia californica


    California sagebrush This perennial shrub grows 3 to 4 feet tall and wide. California sagebrush looks great growing with sticky monkey flower in the garden.  The plant can be cut back periodically to keep it more compact. California sagebrush is the preferred nesting site of the federally threatened California gnat catcher, and quail love it….

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