Showing 241–256 of 294 results

  • Rubus parviflorus


    Thimbleberry This deciduous shrub grows 4’ tall by 6’ wide Thimbleberry can be used in the landscape as an accent, for the edible fruit, erosion control on damp slopes, and as a ground cover. The notable white flowers (3/4 – 2”) emerge spring through summer, and the fruits are an important food source for many…

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  • Rubus spectabilis


    Salmon berry Salmon berry is a deciduous shrub that can grow to a height of 6-10’ and spread out to form thick stands. This tall and erect shrub looks beautiful at the edges of a garden where its bright pink to dark red blooms are visible throughout their long blooming cycle where they are a…

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  • Rubus ursinus


    California blackberry A deciduous climbing or trailing evergreen shrub. Native blackberry is not aggressive like it’s Himalayan cousin. The berries are edible and tasty. Flowers host beneficial insects. Good creek-side for erosion control. Tolerates salt spray in shoreline and bluff plantings. Flowers February – June and berries July-August Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade Water: Light,…

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  • Rumex salicifolius

    Willow dock Willow dock is a perennial herb that grows upright or sometimes prostrate and spreading. It grows 1-3 feet tall. Commonly found along streams and canyon bottoms where there is a source of water. The reddish flowers appear April-June followed by green then bronze colored seeds that persist on the plant. A valuable addition…

  • Salicornia pacifica


    Pickleweed Pickleweed is a halophytic (tolerant of salty conditions).It is a spreading, low growing perennial which grows in various zones of intertidal salt marshes and can be found in alkaline flats. Salicornia species are being tested as a biofuel crop as it is composed of 32% oil and being a halophyte can be irrigated with…

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  • Salix exigua


    Narrowleaf willow A deciduous shrub reaching 4-16′ in height, spreading by basal shoots to form dense clonal colonies. Salix exigua is an upright tree with slender greyish green branches clothed with long, narrow, finely toothed, silky silver leaves and small pale yellow catkins. The flowers are produced in catkins in late spring, after the leaves…

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  • Salix gooddingii


    Gooding’s Black Willow Goodding’s Black Willow (Salix gooddingii) has a moderate growth rate and is moderately long-lived. It grows in an upright form to a height of 15-40 feet, with active growth during the spring and summer. It is winter deciduous and will drop it’s leaves. Space 17-20′ apart. It is a common native tree…

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  • Salix laevigata


    Red Willow Red willow is a 10-25′ fast growing deciduous tree. Space 18′ apart Usually a straight unbranched trunk with the slender branches producing a well formed crown. The leaves are very finely toothed, light shiny green above , whitish below, with conspicuous yellow mid-veins seen mostly on the upper surface.  

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  • Salix lasiandra


    Salix lasiandra Pacific willow is a deciduous tree growing to 15-45 tall’ at a fast rate. Space 18′ apart. The flowers that bloom in April are dioecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but only one sex is to be found on any one plant. The Pacific willow is pollinated by bees.  

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  • Salix lasiolepis


    Arroyo willow Arroyo willow grows to about 10-20′. It is a fast growing deciduous tree. Space 15’0″ apart. Usually a multi-stemmed, thicket forming. Many types of songbirds may build their nests in the crooks of willow branches. Arroyo willow has many uses including stream bank stabilization, rehabilitation of riparian zones, improvement of freshwater fisheries, field…

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  • Salix sitchensis

    Sitka willow Sitka willow is a fast growing deciduous shrub-like tree. It can grow from 10 to 23 feet tall. It tends to grow in edges of lakes, streams and wet meadows. It supports several butterfly species including the Western Tiger Swallowtail and the Lorquin’s Admiral.

  • Salvia spathacea


    Hummingbird sage Hummingbird Sage grows about 1′-3′ in height. It is a perennial that spreads by rhizomes. Space 4’0″ apart. This sage is native to coastal California from Napa to Orange. As the name implies Hummingbirds work this species very heavily. Well adapted to a variety of conditions and does best with rich soil, part…

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  • Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea


    Blue elderberry A deciduous shrub to small tree that grows to 15 feet tall. The attractive light green foliage and large clusters of fragrant creamy white flowers appearing abundantly in spring and early summer.  Edible fruits attract birds towards the end of summer. Its berries are also, excellent in jelly, pie or for making elderberry…

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  • Sambucus racemosa


    Red elderberry Red elderberry is a large deciduous shrub can grow to 20 feet tall. In the spring, pyramidal clusters of small white flowers are followed by clusters of bright red berries. Needs moist loamy soil and can be pruned when dormant to keep the plant bushy. The fruits are reportedly safe to eat when cooked and can…

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  • Sanicula crassicaulis


    Pacific sanicle, snakeroot A hardy understory perennial, 1-3 ft. tall Attractive in a woodland garden. Prefers coarse, sandy loam, but can survive in clay. It is native to the west coast of North America from British Columbia to Baja California, where it can be found in many types of habitat, including mountain slopes, grassland, and…

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  • Schoenoplectus acutus


    Common tule Common tule is found along marshes and shorelines in waters up to 1.5 m deep. Plants grow up to 8′ tall. This plant provides food, cover, and nesting habitat for waterfowl and other birds. It acts as a buffer for wind and wave action and is currently used for bank stabilization and to…

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