Showing 65–80 of 404 results

  • Baccharis salicifolia


    Mule fat This deciduous perennial shrub is fairly drought-tolerant, and exhibits rapid growth to 8-10′ tall. Mulefat grows in dry rocky arroyos with an upright open form. It sprouts suckers, forming a graceful thicket which can provide good cover for birds. Excellent screening replacement plant for Oleander. Good for habitat gardens as both cover and…

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  • Berberis aquifolium


    Oregon Grape Oregon grape is a low growing evergreen sub-shrub that creates a stiff, spreading ground-cover growing 1′ tall to 4-5.’ wide. Space 4-6′ apart. An excellent ground cover or foundation plant that will do well in shady garden. Oregon grape will tolerate clay soils but does best with moist, loamy soil. Adds color to…

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  • Berberis aquifolium var. repens


    Creeping Oregon Grape Creeping Oregon Grape (also called Dwarf Mahonia) is a low-growing variety of Berberis aquifolium that reaches 2-3 ft. tall and up to 5 ft. wide with a mounding and spreading form. It has dense yellow flower clusters in the spring that then transform into edible dark purple-blue berries like that of its…

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  • Berberis nevinii

    Nevin’s barberry Nevin’s Barberry is an endangered evergreen shrub that is endemic to chaparral washes of the San Fernando Valley. Adapts to most soil types but does best in coarse, well drained slopes. Grows slowly to about 6′-10′ wide and tall, can reach up to 13′ at the highest. Layered spikes of cup-shaped fragrant blossoms…

  • Bouteloua gracilis


    Blue grama Blue grama is a perennial drought-resistant short grass – grows about 1 foot tall. Grows in bunches that can spread through tillers. Space 15-18″ apart. Blue grama has become a popular garden accent grass due to its green to greyish color and interesting seed heads which resemble small penants. It is a great…

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  • Brickellia californica


    California brickellia California brickellia is a mounding, spreading, evergreen perennial that grows to 2-7 feet tall and wide with a moderate to fast growth rate. This drought tolerant plant has light yellow flowers in the summer and fall providing a noticeable pleasant fragrance during the hot summer evenings. One of the most delightful of all…

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  • Brodiaea californica


    California brodiaea This perennial bulb in the lily family has an upright growth habit, reaching 1-2 feet in height. The dainty flowers vary in color from white to lavender and occasionally pink. Blooms from May – July. Found in open valley grassland and in the dappled light of foothill woodland, California brodiaea grows fast in…

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  • Bromus sitchensis var. carinatus


    California bromegrass California brome is a short lived medium-tall, competitive, native bunchgrass valued for its rapid and easy establishment for re-vegetation and erosion control purposes. Space 30-36″ apart. The deep fibrous root system makes the plant fairly resistant to grazing and drought. Provides good cover for wildlife and the seed is consumed by quail and…

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  • Calandrinia ciliata


    Red maids An almost prostrate, spreading annual to 1′ tall. The brilliant magenta to rose-red flowers and thick, smooth glossy green leaves dot meadows, open areas of mostly woodland and grassland habitats, and various grassy spots along the California coast. Add them to your landscape (or your salad: the leaves are edible!) in any small…

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  • Calycanthus occidentalis


    Western spicebush This deciduous shrub to multi-stemmed small tree grows to 8′ tall and 8′ wide in an erect, dense, rounded form.  This plant is a moderate to fast grower and provides good erosion control and soil binding ability when planted along stream banks. Grows taller with ample water. Spicebush is named for its fragrant…

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  • Calystegia macrostegia


    Island morning glory This versatile morning glory can take the form of a low herbaceous vine or a stout, woody, climber approaching 9 meters in length. The flowers change from white to pale-pink during their long bloom period, which lasts from February through July. It has a handsome appearance even without flowers. In the winter,…

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  • Calystegia occidentalis


    Western chaparral morning-glory This trailing or climbing perennial vine behaves itself in the garden as it is deciduous and dies back each year. In the spring, the vine will grow to several feet in a matter of a few months producing a flower show of large white, funnel-shaped flowers Makes a living fence here at…

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  • Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia


    Beach Evening Primrose Beach primrose is a low, fast-growing, spreading perennial. It forms dense mats of light green-to-silvery foliage 2′ wide x 6″ to 12″ high. The ground-hugging habitat makes this plant an excellent choice for erosion control in sandy soil.  Likes to reseed. Makes an excellent container plant inland. Canary yellow flowers turn red…

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  • Cardamine californica

    Milk maids Cardamine californica is a herbaceous perennial plant growing to about 1 foot tall. In the San Francisco Bay Area, it is one of the first wildflowers to bloom, with blossoms from January to May. The clusters of white flowers are a good butterfly nectar plants as well as providing food for butterfly larvae….

  • Carex athrostachya


    Slenderbeak sedge Slenderbeak sedge grows in clumps to about 30″ tall with a dense inflorescence just under an inch long. As with some other Carex species they do will in very well in wet conditions when the season is wet and also make it though the dry season. It would do great in a wet…

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  • Carex brevicaulis

    Short stem sedge It is low growing (6″ tall) and will spread via rhizomes, which makes it capable of forming a dense turf that responds well to being walked upon. Found naturally in open, sandy/rocky slopes, cliffs, and dunes. This handsome Carex is great for rock gardens. It can also be used as a lawn…