Showing 353–368 of 404 results

  • Salvia clevelandii ‘Whirley Blue’

    ‘Whirley Blue’ sage ‘Whirley Blue’ is an evergreen shrub growing to 4 1/2 ft. tall and 6 ft. wide. ‘Whirley Blue’ has aromatic gray-green foliage and very large flower whorls of rich violet flowers. Good for dry sunny areas and along banks and slopes. Like many sages, ‘Whirley Blue’ is deer resistant and attractive to…

  • Salvia clevelandii ‘Winnifred Gilman’

    Winnifred Gilman sage Winnifred Gilman sage has an evergreen shrub with a compact habit. It grows to about 3 ft. tall. It is  prized for its intense violet-blue flowers and fragrant foliage. Will do best in a sunny location and with good drainage. Deer and drought tolerant; attracts bees and hummingbirds. Cultivars such as this…

  • Salvia columbariae


    Chia Chia is a upright annual that grows to about 1.5 feet tall. The purple blue flowers appear in the spring. Plant with other California natives to mix up the colors to best suit your taste. Once this little gem goes to seed shake the pom-poms that the flowers left behind and collect up the…

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  • Salvia leucophylla


    Purple sage Purple sage is a fragrant evergreen shrub that grows 3-5′ tall and 6-8′ wide. This exceptionally hardy and drought tolerant plant is used extensively in native plant and low-water landscaping. Purple sage is a showy silver-leaved shrub with pungent fragrance and light-purple flowers in spikes. It forms neat mounds and likes full sun…

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  • Salvia mellifera


    Black sage A spring-flowering evergreen shrub with a fresh and spicy scent. Reaches 3-6′ high x 6-8′ wide. Drought tolerant when established; needs no summer water in most areas, but better looking and a lower fire hazard with once-a-month water. An excellent plant for quickly covering dry sunny slopes & providing erosion control. Many small…

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  • Salvia sonomensis


    Sonoma sage This is a prostrate, semi-woody, herbaceous perennial  ground cover 8-12″ high x 3-4′ wide. Fragrant, elliptical, dull green leaves and short spikes of blue-purple flowers attractive to bees. Creeping Sage commonly grows in clay that is very wet in winter, but dry in summer, so be careful not to over water during the…

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  • Salvia spathacea


    Hummingbird sage Hummingbird Sage grows about 1′-3′ in height. It is a perennial that spreads by rhizomes. Space 4’0″ apart. This sage is native to coastal California from Napa to Orange. As the name implies Hummingbirds work this species very heavily. Well adapted to a variety of conditions and does best with rich soil, part…

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  • Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea


    Blue elderberry A deciduous shrub to small tree that grows to 15 feet tall. The attractive light green foliage and large clusters of fragrant creamy white flowers appearing abundantly in spring and early summer.  Edible fruits attract birds towards the end of summer. Its berries are also, excellent in jelly, pie or for making elderberry…

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  • Sanicula crassicaulis


    Pacific sanicle, snakeroot A hardy understory perennial, 1-3 ft. tall Attractive in a woodland garden. Prefers coarse, sandy loam, but can survive in clay. It is native to the west coast of North America from British Columbia to Baja California, where it can be found in many types of habitat, including mountain slopes, grassland, and…

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  • Scrophularia californica


    California bee plant A 2-4’ perennial with three foot spikes of reddish flowers. Great for shady gardens and a prime choice for a butterfly garden.  Drought tolerant but will look good longer in the season with a bit of summer moisture. Attracts butterflies and bees, is a good source of nectar for hummingbirds, and is…

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  • Sedum spathulifolium


    Pacific stonecrop This native succulent brings fun into any rock garden! The intense silvery-white foliage forms thick rosettes, and side branches send out new rosettes to colonize. Stonecrop grows 3 to 4 in. tall and 1 ft. wide. The star like flower spikes are bright orange-yellow and contrast the rosettes dramatically. Excellent in rock gardens,…

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  • Senecio flaccidus

    Bush senecio Bush seneicio is an evergreen, fast-growing, short-lived (3 to 6 years) bushy perennial shrub growing to about 3-4 feet tall.This shrub becomes covered in 1″, showy flowering heads of yellow ray flowers in the summer and fall. A very colorful addition to a drought tolerant garden Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade Water: Dry, Light Soil: Sand,…

  • Sequoia sempervirens


    Coast redwood Worlds tallest tree and the official California state tree. Fast growing they can reach 50 to 90 feet in 25 years if climate and soil moisture are favorable. Space 15-30 ft apart. A beautiful and symmetrical evergreen tree the rich green foliage has a feathery look that is highlighted by the cinnamon colored…

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  • Sesuvium verrucosum


    Western Sea-purslane Western Sea-purslane is a fleshy perennial herb producing many branching prostrate stems up to 3 feet long, forming a mat up to 6 feet wide. This mat forming perennial herb grows in many types of saline and alkaline habitat types on the coast and inland and would make a fantastic native substiture for…

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  • Sidalcea malviflora


    Sidalcea malviflora An herbaceous perennial that grows 2 – 4 feet tall. Without summer water they will go dormant and reappear with fall rains. Does well in grassy areas or in borders. Combine with blue-eyed-grass, seaside daisy and native bunchgrasses. Large delicate showy pink flowers in the early summer.  

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  • Sidalcea malviflora ‘Hem’s Hybrid’


    ‘Hem’s Hybrid’ Checker Mallow Hems Hybrid Checker Mallow is an herbaceous perennial that grows 3 feet tall. Its large, delicate, rosey-pink to red flowers bloom in the early summer. Without summer water they will go dormant and reappear with fall rains. Does well in grassy areas or in borders. Combine with blue-eyed-grass, seaside daisy and…

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