Showing 161–176 of 404 results

$6.60 – $7.70
Red-Flowered Buckwheat An attractive low sub-shrub that rows in low mounds to approx. 2′ tall x 10″ wide. The buckwheats are very important butterfly plants and one of the pillars of their plant communities, but deer like to browse on them so keep them protected. Red-flowered buckwheat is one of the showiest of the buckwheats. …

$1.65 – $14.50
Coast buckwheat Coast Buckwheat is a small evergreen sub-shrub, usually on coastal bluffs. It grows quickly to a nice mound about 2′ tall and wide. Space 2-3′ apart. The round clusters of cream-colored flowers bloom April – September, turning rusty pink as they dry. A favorite of butterflies and honeybees! Its form, foliage, and flowers…

$4.95 – $14.50
Buckwheat This small, flowering, perennial shrub grows 6″-1′ high with cotton ball-like flowers on taller, naked stalks in late spring/early summer. An excellent choice for rock gardens. The basal rosette of flat green leaves gives rise to tall leafless stems topped with rounded clusters of white or pale pink or yellow flowers. Plant needs excellent…

$7.70 – $8.50
Seacliff Buckwheat Seacliff Buckwheat is a perennial that will grow 2′ high and wide. It is covered with small balls of white to pink flowers from that can persist all year long. When planted inland it may need occasional water, otherwise it is very drought tolerant once established. It is easy to grow, and will…

Sulphur-flower buckwheat This prostrate herbaceous perennial is fantastic as a colorful evergreen ground cover, growing up to 12 in tall and 18 in wide. Sulphur flower buckwheat, and is typically found at higher elevations. The erect flowering stems up to 12 in tall yellow flower heads. This plant likes well drained soil and sunny slopes. …

$9.90 – $10.90
Golden yarrow Golden yarrow is a 1 – 2′ tall shrub with bright yellow flowers in early summer. Space plants 1-2 ft apart. Lovely foliage and bold flowers for dry well-drained spot. It does best with full sun, a little summer water, and good drainage. Companion plants include Salvias, Sticky monkeyflower, and California sagebrush. Makes…

$6.60 – $7.70
Wooly Sunflower This perennial plant grows 1 to 2 ft. in height with yellow composite flowers that look a lot like true sunflowers, sometimes growing to 2″ wide. Preferred nectar source of the Gorgon Copper butterfly. Great for cut flowers! The wooly sunflower grows in well-branched clumps. Both stems and leaves may be covered with…

$2.13 – $14.30
Seaside Woolly Sunflower Seaside Woolly Sunflower, also named lizard tail, is a compact shrub that grows to about 3′ tall and 3′ wide. It is perfect in a coastal garden, and picture perfect partnered with coastal Lupines & Coyote Brush. A wonderfully easy to grow sub-shrub found along the coast where the gray foliage becomes…

Western wallflower Foothill wallflower is a fragrant perennial (often biennial) that usually grows to a height of 1-2′, but can reach a size of 2′ wide by 3′ tall showing 25+ flower sprays. This short lived or biennial plant will re-sow and replace the mother plants. The fragrant flowers range in color from yellow to…

$3.60 – $7.70
California poppy This herbaceous perennial wildflower is our beloved California state flower. Blooms close at night and during cloudy weather. In the landscape, use in borders, bulb cover, in containers, massing/bedding, and in rock gardens. Plants will re-seed – to avoid this simply remove the old flowers. Blooms March to October.

$5.00 – $7.30
Mahogany Red Poppy This selection of Eschscholzia californica was bred in England for its deep-red flowers. Like its golden counterpart, Mahogany Red will bloom through the summer with a bit of regular water. Remove spent heads to promote another round of blooms. For those concerned with cross-pollination: You can preserve the red hues of successive…

$3.65 – $7.30
Moonglow Poppy This herbaceous perennial wildflower is a color variety of our beloved California state flower. A form of the California poppy with cream to white flower that seem to glow. It is drought-tolerant, self-seeding, and easy to grow in gardens. To avoid the self-seeding, simply remove the old flowers. Blooms close at night and during…

$3.60 – $7.30
Purple Gleam Poppy This herbaceous perennial wildflower is a color variety of our beloved California state flower. A form of the California poppy with pink to purple flowers. It is drought-tolerant, self-seeding, and easy to grow in gardens. To avoid the self-seeding, simply remove the old flowers. Blooms close at night and during cloudy weather. In…

Apache plume Apache plume is a fast growing deciduous or semi-evergreen medium sized shrub. It is native to the southwestern US and northern Mexico in desert woodlands and scrub. It grows 2-6 feet tall and spaced at 4-6 feet apart. This super showy shrub is drought tolerant has a bit of a unkempt look prior…

$1.05 – $7.70
California fescue This perennial evergreen bunch grass that grows 2-4′ tall and 2-3′ wide. An easy to grow plant, it is an excellent choice as a groundcover for slopes among oaks, California bays, or pines. Space 2’0″ apart. A truly beautiful, mid-sized bunch grass. The graceful, fountain-like, blue-green foliage grows 2’ tall. The showy flower…

$1.73 – $7.30
Idaho fescue Despite the name this luscious evergreen bunchgrass is a California native along with other western states. It keeps a compact form of about 1 foot tall. Space 1 to 3 ft apart, depending on aesthetics. Idaho fescue is a lush bunchgrass with finely textured blue to gray-green leaves which makes for good texture…