Showing 305–313 of 313 results

Yellow-brodiaea Yellow-brodiaea, also known as “prettyface” or “golden star”, is a perennial herb in the lily family that can reach up to 2 feet tall, though it is usually lower growing. The flowers are clustered atop an erect stem which emerges from a bulb. There may be as many as 2 dozen flower buds per…

Ithuriels’s spear A bulb (corm) with a stem that grows to about 2 feet tall. Provides a vibrant color April-June as the annual grasses turn brown. Ithuriels’ spear is beautiful, useful, adaptable and easy to grow, even in heavy clay soil. Plant with Blue-eyed grass, yarrow, buttercups and purple needle grass for a truly colorful…

$9.90 – $10.90
California bay (laurel) This handsome evergreen tree can grow to 80′ when fully mature (80-100 years). Space 20’0″ apart. The leaves are aromatic like its cousin from Greece. Thrives in fairly moist soils, but tolerates dry soil as well. In its natural coastal montane habitat, it likes sun. If planted in a dry inland habitat,…

$9.00 – $14.30
California huckleberry An evergreen shrub that grows to 2-3’ in the sun and up to 12’ tall and 10’ wide in the shade. Prefers well-drained, humus-rich soils. This remarkable evergreen native shrub is valuable in the landscape. The small, ovate, evergreen foliage looks good year round, has little pinkish urn-shaped flowers March – May, followed…

$3.95 – $13.20
Western vervain Western vervain, a dicot, is a perennial herb that grows throughout many regions in California. It can grow aggressively, but is great for erosion control and attracts loads of butterflies and pollinators. Verbena adapts to many garden conditions, usually growing between 2-3 ft tall and 4-5 ft wide. This plant has a long…

Modesty A semi- deciduous to evergreen low growing, trailing groundcover. Modesty is a hardy and delightful groundcover in shade. On a slope it can help keep the soil in place. In warmer inland areas occasional summer water can improve appearance. In cooler foggy areas it can go without any supplemental water. Relatively drought tolerant once…

$7.30 – $14.50
Narrowleaf mule ears A compact perennial that grows to 1 ft. tall with 3″ yellow flowers. Dies to the ground each winter, comes back in the spring with strap-like green leaves. Found on grassy hillsides making a dramatic springtime flower display.

Gray mules ears Gray mules ears is a deciduous perennial that grows a bit more than one foot tall and wide. Endemic to California and uncommon in the nursery trade. This sturdy wildflower sports very large, yellow daisy like flowers that appear in the spring and last about 3 months giving a sunny part of…

$8.80 – $10.90
Woolly Mule’s Ears Woolly Mule’s Ears’s is deciduous perennial that grows in clumps about 2-3′ tall. As with the other local to the bay area -Mules Ears the large bright sunshiny yellow flowers will steal the show in any wildflower garden from late spring though summer.