Showing 33–48 of 66 results

  • Garrya elliptica


    Coast Silk tassel Silk Tassel is an evergreen shrub with a moderate growth rate. It grows from 5 to 10 feet in height and 8 to 10 feet in diameter. In ideal conditions, it can reach as high as 20 feet and may be trained as a tree. Space 12′ apart. The long beautiful tassels…

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  • Gaultheria shallon


    Salal Salal is a spreading evergreen shrub growing to 1.5′ tall and 4′ wide. It has dark blue, edible berries that have a unique, albeit bland flavor. Salal berries were once a significant source of food among Native Americans. Salal is versatile in that it can thrive in both sunny and shady conditions. In moist,…

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  • Helenium puberulum


    Rosilla Rosillia (aka sneezeweed as it’s sneezed off its petals). is an annual to perennial plant that grows to 3′ tall. Commonly found growing along creeks and ponds in wetland meadows mixed with roses, seep monkeyflower, rushes and sedges.  It is a valuable addition to a stream side garden or along the sides of a…

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  • Heuchera maxima


    Island Alum Root Alum root is a 2′ rhizomatous perennial with 3′ spikes of small pinkish flowers that hang prettily from the ends of their delicate stalks in February – April. This plant makes a great choice for edging in a shady border with its gorgeous heart-shaped leaves. Looks great mixed with Yarrow and Poppies….

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  • Heuchera pilosissima


    Seaside alumroot Seaside alumroot is a fast growing, evergreen perennial that grows to about 2′ tall and 1.5′ wide. Best suited for a shady part of the garden that has well draining soil and the aesthetics are heightened with mass plantings. Stalks of pale pink to red flowers appear from mid spring throughout early summer….

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  • Holodiscus discolor


    Oceanspray/Creambush An absolutely gorgeous deciduous shrub 4-5′ tall. In most situations, tolerant of both moist and dry situations, but growing larger with more shade and water, reaching up to 10′ in height. From May to August, enjoy this plant’s 5″ fragrant, creamy coral sprays of flowers (edible!) and the pleasant, sweet scent the foliage emits…

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  • Iris douglasiana


    Douglas iris Douglas Iris is an herbaceous perennial that grows 1-2′ tall and will spread and self sow. It can grow in dry shade under oaks.  Other uses include planting in a container, rock gardens, slopes, massing together to form dense clumps. Combine with woodland strawberry. The large dark purple flowers (occasionally white, rarely yellow)…

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  • Iris fernaldii


    Fernald’s Iris Fernald’s Iris grows to 1 foot tall. It can grow in full sun near the coast but give it some shade inland. A cute addition to a coastal or rock garden. Deer tend to leave it alone. Fernald’s are no longer found in pure form in Marin County, however; they have naturally hybridized…

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  • Lilium pardalinum


    Leopard lily This towering member of the lily family is very elegant, and pleasing to the eye.  Its 3-8 ft tall stalks bear up to 30 pendant blossoms in late spring or summer. The blooms, typically orange at the base and scarlet at the tips are flecked with maroon. Plant with ferns, coral bells, western…

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  • Maianthemum stellatum


    False Solomons Seal The easy to grown, False Solomon’s seal is a herbaceous perennial that grows to about 2 feet tall. Attractive orderly, leaves, white starry flowers and green berries with maroon stripes that eventually turn bright red give the plant 3-season interest. The flowers first appear in April until June following by the berries…

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  • Marah fabacea


    Wild cucumber Wild cucumber is a climbing perennial that dies back after fruiting. These are attractive early plants that easily climb to the tops of trees. In May they are covered in blossoms and round spiny fruit. Great for wild gardens where it has places to climb like our chicken wire fence that separates the…

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  • Oxalis oregana


    Redwood sorrel Redwood sorrel is a short herbaceous perennial plant with erect flowering stems 5–15 cm tall. The three leaflets are heart-shaped with purplish undersides. The flowers are white to pink and the hairy five-chambered seed capsules are egg-shaped. This oxalis is found in moist Douglas Fir and Coast Redwood forests, blanketing the forest floor…

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  • Polystichum munitum

    Western sword fern An evergreen fern that grows about 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. This is probably our most easily grown native fern. It is tolerant of almost all levels of shade. Forms a refined tight clump and tolerates dry shade. Landscape uses: Mixed woodland planting, shade and rock gardens and is good…

  • Rhododendron occidentale


    Western Azalea Western azalea is a deciduous shrub that usually reaches 2 ft – 5 ft tall in the garden The sight and smell of the Western azalea is a delight to behold.  The delicate white bloom is tinged with pink and orange, and can be detected by the the sweet smell, even before you…

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  • Rhus aromatica

    Fragrant sumac Fragrant sumac is a deciduous shrub that grows from 2-4 feet tall and 6-10 feet wide. The triple lobed leaves are medium green that turn attractive shades of orange, red and purple in autumn. Fragrant sumac is a totally non-poisonous plant. Tiny yellow flowers bloom at the twig tips in early spring, male…

  • Ribes sanguineum


    Red flowering currant A deciduous shrub that grows to 5 feet tall. Lime colored roundish leaves and long showy pendulums of pink flower clusters that cover the plant during the winter. East to grow in the Bay Area in many garden situations. Drought tolerant in coastal conditions and does well under oaks Flowers February to…

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