Showing 1–16 of 66 results

Vine maple Vine maple grow to 12’x12′ but easily adapted to espalier or container. Space 3-5′ apart. It is prized for its graceful habit & fall color, a wonderful addition to a woodland garden & a nice alternative to Japanese maple. Lovely planted with Redwood Sorrel & native ferns. In shade it has more of…

$9.90 – $38.50
Bigleaf maple This deciduous tree grows 40-100’ making it a suitable choice for large gardens and parks. Space >40′ apart. Squirrels & chipmunks relish seeds, and it provides valuable shelter for wildlife. If properly watered, young trees will establish fast (>3 feet per year). Once established, they are fairly drought tolerant (growth slows to ~1…

$9.90 – $42.40
Box-elder This deciduous tree grows to 30′ to 50’ and is an excellent stream side stabilizer. A great plant to attract wildlife as many species of birds and squirrels feed on the seeds. Young shoots grow quickly (~2 feet per year) and will establish a dense shady canopy in a few years. Space 25′ apart….

Baneberry This low growing deciduous perennial shrub grows to 2 feet tall. A very ornamental plant with lush green dissected foliage and an excellent choice for a woodland garden. Also works well as a mounding ground cover in moist shade (woodland). Its small snowflake-like flowers bloom from June to July followed by showy white or…

Southern maidenhair fern The southern maidenhair fern gets to about 2 feet tall and wide. This drooping fern has distinctive fan-shaped leaf segments This graceful fern has fluffy, airy, and elegant foliage, which works well in containers in a rock garden or in open ground. It’s a perfect plant for providing light, airy texture to…

$2.25 – $42.40
White alder This fast growing deciduous tree grows to 50’ tall and 30’ wide. Space >40′ apart. Excellent choice for a quick growing shade tree that is heat tolerant. Great for bird and butterfly gardens or creek-side erosion control, where the tree can be planted right next to the water. Roots have nitrogen fixing bacteria….

California Angelica California angelica is a perennial herb that can grow from 6 to 8 feet tall. It is commonly found in the shade on dry slopes. Clusters of white flowers providing a large flat surface in the summer for butterflies to land. The umbels of white flowers appear between June through August. Perfect for…

Seacoast angelica Seacoast Angelica is a perennial that growing from 2- 4 1/2″. The globe-shaped flower umbels and the height make Angelicas a striking border plant. The seed heads may be dried for use in dried arrangements. It will do best with partial to full shade in an inland garden. The large flowers are seen in the…

$2.10 – $2.45
Vanilla Grass This evergreen, spreading perennial grass grows to approx. 2’x2′ can be found growing in coniferous forests along the west coast of North America. Space 9-12″ apart. It prefers a shady situation, with summer irrigation. The whitish flowers are held on 18″ stalks above broad, bright green, sweetly scented foliage. Excellent for woodland gardens,…

Elk clover This large dramatic winter deciduous perennial, grows to about 6′ x 6′ and can reach as much as 8′ around. Elk clover is native to shaded stream banks throughout western California, Despite its streamside habit, Elk Clover will do well in any soil that does not dry out completely. In the summer, small…

$8.50 – $16.50
Pacific madrone This evergreen tree averages 30 ft in height and a 25 ft spread. Space 25’0″ apart. Madrones are slow to moderate growing but are prized for their attractive reddish bark that peels to reveal blond wood underneath. White to pink urn-shaped flowers arrive in the spring followed by bright orange edible berries. This…

$6.60 – $9.70
Dutchman’s Pipe This robust, durable, rhizomatous vine will serve to knit your garden’s shrubs and trees together into loose thickets or attractively cover a trellis or fence with rope-like stems to 12 ft. in length. But it’s most noteworthy feature is its odd, bulbous, 1-1/2 inch flowers that appear in winter and spring, dangling from…

$7.30 – $15.25
Wild ginger We love wild ginger! This evergreen spreading herbaceous perennial grows to 10″ tall and is an ideal native choice to replace ivy. The heart shaped foliage creates a low maintenance ground cover for dry shade areas with a lovely spicy aroma. Striking small flowers under leaves appear spring to summer. Wild ginger is …

$6.60 – $8.30
Nuttall’s Milkvetch Nuttall’s Milkvetch is an evergreen perennial herb that forms thick, tangled clumps of stems from 0.5′ – 3′ tall on the bluffs of coastal habitats. This species is used to seaside conditions, so it can tolerate salt spray, sand, and clay. In harsh conditions, stems may be quite hairy and soft, but in…

Lady fern This semi-deciduous fern grows to 3′ tall and 3′ wide. Delicate and lacy with arching fronds and dark red stems at maturity. This beauty is the right choice for perennial borders and woodland gardens and is also great in containers. A breathtaking, feathery flush of new fronds appear in the spring, and new…

$7.70 – $15.70
Western spicebush This deciduous shrub to multi-stemmed small tree grows to 8′ tall and 8′ wide in an erect, dense, rounded form. This plant is a moderate to fast grower and provides good erosion control and soil binding ability when planted along stream banks. Grows taller with ample water. Spicebush is named for its fragrant…