Showing 337–352 of 356 results

$8.18 – $30.25
Snowberry This deciduous shrub grows 2′ tall by 3′ wide. Snowberry is named for its attractive white berries that provide winter food for birds. When planted in the garden, one can expect to attract quail, pheasant and grouse. Don’t indulge yourself as berries contain an alkaloid making it poisonous to humans. Good plant choice under…

Creeping snowberry A deciduous sub-shrub typically growing only 1 ft tall but spreading by rhizomes 3-4 ft wide. The tiny snow white berries of this native shrub appear in late summer, as the soft pink bell shaped flowers fade. Fruit is edible, but tastes a bit like bath soap, and is appreciated more by birds…

$3.30 – $15.25
California Aster This perennial grows to 1-3 ft tall and makes a flower bed come alive in late summer through fall, when planted with California fuchsia and California goldenrod. It spreads by rhizomes, likes moist soil but can also go without summer water, and is common on coastal grasslands and marshes. Make sure to prune…

$7.90 – $14.50
Dune tansy Dune tansy is a lovely evergreen low growing, spreading perennial that grows 1-2 feet tall. It is native to the sand dunes of San Francisco Bay and is fairly rare. The finely dissected leaves can be very aromatic and the long lasting, button like, yellow flowers appear from May to September. It will…

$7.15 – $14.50
Fringe cups An evergreen, low growing perennial. The flower is about 50- 1/2″ pink folded stars on a 2′ stalk. The rosette of leaves look like a bouquet of grape leaves. Fringecup makes an excellent ground cover as it spreads easily and looks fabulous en masse. Good for a small scale groundcover in a shady…

California goldenbanner This cheery 1-2′ bright yellow flowered perennial is rare and naturally only found in California. It will work well in a meadow garden where with other wildflowers. California goldenbanner will spread and give long lasting color from about March to June. Lupines and poppies make good companion plants.

Piggyback Plant Piggyback plant is an evergreen perennial that grows to about 1 foot tall. It works great is shady moist gardens and can also make a fun houseplant. For garden purposes add redwood compost to soil mix. The flowers appear in loose racemes in spring with small tubular purplish-brown flowers that attract bees and…

Woolly Blue Curls Woolly blue curls is a small evergreen shrub or sub-shrub that grows to about 3-5′ tall. It is native to arid coastal chaparral regions of California and the northern parts of Baja California. From late spring through summer, the wonderful sweet-scented woolly blue flowers attract both hummingbirds and bumblebees. This prized flowering…

Yellow-brodiaea Yellow-brodiaea, also known as “prettyface” or “golden star”, is a perennial herb in the lily family that can reach up to 2 feet tall, though it is usually lower growing. The flowers are clustered atop an erect stem which emerges from a bulb. There may be as many as 2 dozen flower buds per…

Ithuriels’s spear A bulb (corm) with a stem that grows to about 2 feet tall. Provides a vibrant color April-June as the annual grasses turn brown. Ithuriels’ spear is beautiful, useful, adaptable and easy to grow, even in heavy clay soil. Plant with Blue-eyed grass, yarrow, buttercups and purple needle grass for a truly colorful…

$9.90 – $10.90
California bay (laurel) This handsome evergreen tree can grow to 80′ when fully mature (80-100 years). Space 20’0″ apart. The leaves are aromatic like its cousin from Greece. Thrives in fairly moist soils, but tolerates dry soil as well. In its natural coastal montane habitat, it likes sun. If planted in a dry inland habitat,…

$9.00 – $14.30
California huckleberry An evergreen shrub that grows to 2-3’ in the sun and up to 12’ tall and 10’ wide in the shade. Prefers well-drained, humus-rich soils. This remarkable evergreen native shrub is valuable in the landscape. The small, ovate, evergreen foliage looks good year round, has little pinkish urn-shaped flowers March – May, followed…

$3.95 – $13.20
Western vervain Western vervain, a dicot, is a perennial herb that grows throughout many regions in California. It can grow aggressively, but is great for erosion control and attracts loads of butterflies and pollinators. Verbena adapts to many garden conditions, usually growing between 2-3 ft tall and 4-5 ft wide. This plant has a long…

American brooklime American brooklime is an evergreen spreading herbaceous perennial. Plant along freshwater streams, seeps and ponds. Can tolerate very wet conditions. Delicate purple flowers May to August. Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade, Shade Water: Moderate, High Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand Other: Attracts Bees

Rogers Red wild grape This vigorous climbing vine grows 3-6 ft per year. It turns flaming red before losing it’s leaves. Also sets fruit profusely, with occasional water. The grapes are sweet, but a bit seedy making them a favorite snack for many types of wildlife. Great used to cover fences, trellises, arbors, or as…

$3.65 – $15.25
California wild grape A fast-growing deciduous vine to 30′ tall. It climbs on other plants or covers the ground with twisted, ropes of vine-covered in green leaves. In the fall the leaves turn many shades of orange and yellow. It will climb fences and other structures for a living wall. Bunches of small and often…