Showing 49–64 of 405 results

$6.60 – $7.30
Showy milkweed Showy Milkweed is a perennial, with 3′ tall stems and large gray five” leaves. Flowers splay like a Forth of July firework. Plant in mixed borders, grassland gardens, or habitat gardens to attract Monarch butterflies, birds, and insects. Spreads easily by underground stems. Use with large grasses such as wild rye, deer grass,…

San Joaquin milk vetch San Joaquin is a sturdy perennial herb growing a thick, erect stem to heights between 2-4 feet. Tis milk vetch is endemic to California. A great butterfly plant – attracts the Pained lady, several blues and the Orange sulfur. Great addition to a dry garden butterfly garden.

$6.60 – $8.30
Nuttall’s Milkvetch Nuttall’s Milkvetch is an evergreen perennial herb that forms thick, tangled clumps of stems from 0.5′ – 3′ tall on the bluffs of coastal habitats. This species is used to seaside conditions, so it can tolerate salt spray, sand, and clay. In harsh conditions, stems may be quite hairy and soft, but in…

California saltbush California saltbush is a low, spreading, perennial. It works great as groundcover in sandy coastal areas. The small flowers (April-November) pack a big punch by providing seed for birds and small mammals. In the garden it can used as silver contrast for green-foliage plants.

$2.48 – $30.25
Quailbush This evergreen (drought deciduous) shrub grows to 8′ tall and can be used in the native garden as a border or windbreak. The yellowish flowers are small, but the bloom is followed by an attractive and abundant display of pinkish fruit. A great plant for tolerating salty soils; also excellent for bird and butterfly…

$1.65 – $14.50
Beach Salt Bush Beach Salt Bush This is a short, sprawling perennial reaching a maximum height near 1 foot tall. It is native to the coastline of California and Baja California, and the Channel Islands, where it is a resident of beach dunes and other sandy areas. It will grow happily in all garden type…

$1.65 – $9.70
Marsh Baccharis This spreading herbaceous perennial grows to 3 feet and requires moist soil for best performance. Plant in the background of your native garden to attract wildlife, and enjoy having a plant that deer won’t touch. The plant’s nectar is a source for predatory wasps and small native butterflies. Flowers late summer. Previously named…

Twin Peaks II coyote brush Twin Peaks II’ is one of the fastest, toughest, densest evergreen native large scale ground covers. Grows easily to 8 ft. wide and 2 – 3 ft. tall. Drought tolerant but monthly water helps it look better – shear hard annually in spring to keep rejuvenated. Sun on coast, afternoon…

$7.70 – $9.00
Prostrate Coyote Brush This low mounding form of coyote brush is a fast growing evergreen shrub that reaches 3-4′ in height and 4 – 6′ wide. It is perhaps the best all-around western-native ground covers. For those who garden for wildlife this is an ideal candidate for providing habitat for insects, butterflies, and birds. When…

$4.50 – $27.50
Coyote brush This evergreen shrub grows 3-6′ tall and matures in one to two years. Use this classic Californian shrub in the landscape as an evergreen hedge and prune to desired shape or grow loosely with plants such as California rose, sticky monkey flower, or California sagebrush. Coyote bush can be used for restoration and…

$3.58 – $15.70
Mule fat This deciduous perennial shrub is fairly drought-tolerant, and exhibits rapid growth to 8-10′ tall. Mulefat grows in dry rocky arroyos with an upright open form. It sprouts suckers, forming a graceful thicket which can provide good cover for birds. Excellent screening replacement plant for Oleander. Good for habitat gardens as both cover and…

Oregon Grape Oregon grape is a low growing evergreen sub-shrub that creates a stiff, spreading ground-cover growing 1′ tall to 4-5.’ wide. Space 4-6′ apart. An excellent ground cover or foundation plant that will do well in shady garden. Oregon grape will tolerate clay soils but does best with moist, loamy soil. Adds color to…

$7.70 – $16.50
Creeping Oregon Grape Creeping Oregon Grape (also called Dwarf Mahonia) is a low-growing variety of Berberis aquifolium that reaches 2-3 ft. tall and up to 5 ft. wide with a mounding and spreading form. It has dense yellow flower clusters in the spring that then transform into edible dark purple-blue berries like that of its…

$1.83 – $7.30
Smooth Bur Marigold Smooth Bur Marigold is an annual herb that grows 1-3 feet tall Large yellow daisy like flowers June through October. Naturally grows in sandy to clayey soil in a bog or on the edge of marshy areas, along creeks and pond edges. Add this cheery flower to a bioswale or frog pond…

$0.53 – $7.30
Cosmopolitan bulrush Cosmopolitan bulrush is creeping perennial up to 4′ tall with rhizomes that will fill in a moist creek or salt marsh bank. This plant is excellent for erosion control. It is hardy to zone 6. It is in flower from July to August, and the seeds ripen from August to September. The flowers…

$0.58 – $14.50
Blue grama Blue grama is a perennial drought-resistant short grass – grows about 1 foot tall. Grows in bunches that can spread through tillers. Space 15-18″ apart. Blue grama has become a popular garden accent grass due to its green to greyish color and interesting seed heads which resemble small penants. It is a great…