Showing 1–16 of 383 results

$1.65 – $15.25
Yellow Sand Verbena This is the only sand verbena with yellow flowers, and it is a true beach perennial, preferring the sun and sand of coastal dunes and scrub. Great as a prostrate ground cover, usually growing only 4-5 in. tall and about 2 ft. wide. Yellow Sand Verbena has a pretty long bloom period…

$2.13 – $15.70
Palmer’s Abutilon Palmer’s Abutilon is a dense semi evergreen shrub of tropical origins. It likes the hot, dry desert, and is found in the scorching areas of southern California. Indian mallow likes to spread out, growing 3-5 ft tall and equally as wide. It has warm, fuzzy, heart-shaped leaves and produces beautiful golden orange flowers…

Vine maple Vine maple grow to 12’x12′ but easily adapted to espalier or container. Space 3-5′ apart. It is prized for its graceful habit & fall color, a wonderful addition to a woodland garden & a nice alternative to Japanese maple. Lovely planted with Redwood Sorrel & native ferns. In shade it has more of…

$9.90 – $38.50
Bigleaf maple This deciduous tree grows 40-100’ making it a suitable choice for large gardens and parks. Space >40′ apart. Squirrels & chipmunks relish seeds, and it provides valuable shelter for wildlife. If properly watered, young trees will establish fast (>3 feet per year). Once established, they are fairly drought tolerant (growth slows to ~1…

$9.90 – $42.40
Box-elder This deciduous tree grows to 30′ to 50’ and is an excellent stream side stabilizer. A great plant to attract wildlife as many species of birds and squirrels feed on the seeds. Young shoots grow quickly (~2 feet per year) and will establish a dense shady canopy in a few years. Space 25′ apart….

$1.65 – $15.25
Yarrow This Semi-evergreen herbaceous perennial grows 1-3 ft tall and is a perfect choice for growing in a meadow garden. The ferny foliage will stay green all year with some summer water and the white umbels make good cut flowers. Cut back after blooming which takes place from March through June. Yarrow spreads by rhizomes,…

Baneberry This low growing deciduous perennial shrub grows to 2 feet tall. A very ornamental plant with lush green dissected foliage and an excellent choice for a woodland garden. Also works well as a mounding ground cover in moist shade (woodland). Its small snowflake-like flowers bloom from June to July followed by showy white or…

Hounds Tongue This summer – fall dormant perennial grows up to 2.5 ft tall. A beautiful early spring flower found under oaks and other dry shade situations. Drifts of hound’s tongue give drama to woodlands early in the year. The new leaves are also attractive as they appear in mid/late winter followed by clear blue…

$6.38 – $15.70
Chamise Chamise tends to be a medium to large shrub, 5-8′ tall by 8-12′ wide. Its name originates from its fascicled (clustered) leaves. A very tough plant used as a screen, informal hedge, or wind break and it’s a super, excellent erosion control species. In the wild Chamise also protects the soil after fires as…

$11.78 – $42.40
California buckeye This drought tolerant deciduous tree grows 15-40′ tall with a spread of 30-60′. A moderately paced grower, it will reach about 20′ in 8 years, growing at a rate of about 3′ per year. Space 30’0″ apart. California buckeye provides year-round beauty to the garden. During the dormant season, the handsome, thick-stemmed silhouette…

Iodinebush Iodinebush is a perennial low-lying shrub found in sandy, often salty alkaline soils. It will grow from 1-3.’ feet tall. It would be a point of interest in a sunny well drained garden shouting out it’s claim to fame being the only species in the Allenrolfea genus. OK maybe this one is a garden…

One leaf onion One of California’s easier native onions, this vigorous bulb will spread out and fill an area with it’s offsets and innumerable seedlings. Actually growing several leaves per plant, the blue green growth is contrasted by the vibrant rose-pink clusters of flowers that explode from the tips of their 1′ long stalks. Adaptable…

$2.25 – $42.40
White alder This fast growing deciduous tree grows to 50’ tall and 30’ wide. Space >40′ apart. Excellent choice for a quick growing shade tree that is heat tolerant. Great for bird and butterfly gardens or creek-side erosion control, where the tree can be planted right next to the water. Roots have nitrogen fixing bacteria….

$1.50 – $7.15
Silvery beachweed Silvery beachweed is sprawling perennial that grows about 1′ tall and 5′ wide. Grows on sand dunes and in gravelly places along coast. Plant smells sweet. In ancient times people thought eating sweet-smelling plants rendered long life, as Ambrosia, food of the gods, rendered immortal life. Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade Water: Light,…

$1.65 – $8.00
Western ragweed This perennial plant is usually 1-2′ tall, but sometimes it becomes considerably higher. The blooming period can occur from mid-summer to autumn, lasting about 1-3 weeks for a colony of plants. Like other ragweeds, the airborne pollen of Western Ragweed can cause allergic reactions in people during the late summer and fall. Sun:…

Pallid Serviceberry Pallid serviceberry is a winter deciduous shrub. The height varies from 3 to 12 feet tall. It is a pleasant, open shrub that will spread to form a thicket. It has attractive blue-green foliage. The white flowers appear April through June followed by purple, sweet, edible berries. It will tolerate drought conditions but…