Showing 81–96 of 173 results

  • Fremontodendron californicum


    Flannelbush Flannelbush is a  fast growing evergreen shrub quickly grows to 5′ and can reach 10′. It is a show stopper in the garden.  The solitary  3” lemon-yellow flowers are produced in abundance from winter to spring. It is fast-growing and resilient in dry landscapes. Bees and other insect pollinators visit the blooms and hairy capsule fruits filled…

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  • Gambelia speciosa


    Showy island snapdragon This attractive easy to grow perennial grows 2 1/2 ft tall by 4 ft wide. It is an excellent ground cover near the coast and its lipstick-red blossoms act as beacons for hummingbirds, and add refreshing color to the garden. To make the most of the flowers, plant where it can spill…

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  • Garrya elliptica


    Coast Silk tassel Silk Tassel is an evergreen shrub with a moderate growth rate. It grows from 5 to 10 feet in height and 8 to 10 feet in diameter. In ideal conditions, it can reach as high as 20 feet and may be trained as a tree. Space 12′ apart. The long beautiful tassels…

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  • Gilia capitata


    Globe gilia Blue Field Gilia is an annual wildflower that grows 6 inches to 2 feet tall and a little less than a foot wide. With pincushion like spherical clusters of purple flowers that are rich in nectar, providing food for many pollinators such as butterflies, native bees and honey bees. It looks beautiful combined…

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  • Grindelia camporum


    Great valley gumplant This herbaceous perennial’s upright habit makes it an excellent candidate for meadow gardens and mixed borders, especially along the front of a dry border. Space 2’0″ apart. A fast growing, hardy, super drought tolerant, evergreen shrub 1-3 ft. tall that will grow to 4 feet with water, this plant produces abundant 2-inch…

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  • Gutierrezia californica

    California matchweed California matchweed is a sprawling to erect subshrub growing to about 2′ tall. Each single flower makes a splash of color. Matchweed is naturally found on dry hills and flats, stony slopes and outcrops and occasionally serpentine soils in chaparral and grassland. Matchweed is sometimes referred to as snakeweed. It is a natural…

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  • Helianthella castanea

    Mt. Diablo helianthella The rare 1.5′ beauty is a perennial herb limited to the Bay Area, mostly around Mount Diablo. The long 6 ” leaves surround the long stems of bright cheery yellow sunflowers in the spring. Grows best in thin well drained soils. Companion plants include Chamise, Sagebrush, Coyote brush, Needle grasses and Mules…

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  • Helianthus californicus


    California sunflower This herbaceous perennial spreads to 10 ft wide and up to 5 ft tall. The birds and bees love this native sunflower is found along stream banks, meadows, and freshwater-marshes. Its sunflower style yellow blooms are visible from mid spring to early fall; producing dozens of 3-5 in. wide golden daisy like flowers….

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  • Heliotropium curassavicum var. oculatum


     Seaside or Salt Heliotrope Upright to spreading perennial herb that can take the form of a prostrate creeper along the ground to a somewhat erect shrub approaching 1.5′ in height. Its growth is from from thick with creeping roots. Thrives in dry or moist saline and alkaline areas. Indigenous to California this species has whitish…

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  • Hemizonia congesta


    Hayfield tarweed Hayfield tarweed is a native annual herb growing to 2 ft tall and 1 ft wide, found in the central valley and coastal regions of California.  The inflorescence are covered with glandular hairs and hold yellow daisy-like flower heads. It produces tons of sweetly pungent blooms late in summer and often into fall. …

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  • Hesperoyucca whipplei


    Chaparral Yucca Chaparral Yucca is a southern Californian desert plant. It has a moderate growth rate and grows from 2-12 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide. It typically takes 5-10 years to reach maturity and when it produces it’s huge 10-15 foot flower spike with hundreds of bell shaped white to purplish flowers. This plant…

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  • Heteromeles arbutifolia


    Toyon This evergreen shrub to small tree grows to 15 feet tall and is a great choice for erosion control, fire resistance, and as an informal hedge in the landscape. With little pruning required, Toyon’s pretty red winter berries attracts birds and bees.  This is also an important nectar plant for the California Tortoiseshell butterfly….

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  • Heterotheca grandiflora


    Telegraph weed Telegraph weed is an annual or short lived perennial herb that grows to about 3 feet tall and 1.5 feet wide. Not commonly used in a garden but can be useful for attracting bees to your garden and for restoration projects. It yellow flowers can be seen year round. The sticky, fragrant chemicals…

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  • Horkelia californica


    California Horkelia Endemic to California, this perennial herb grows in coastal scrubs and on inland mountain grades. The plant grows in clumps from 0.5-1 feet wide and 0.3-4 feet tall. Flowers vary from white, yellow, pink to cream colored. Grows well with blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium bellum) and checker mallows (Sidalcea sp.) Many beneficial insects are…

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  • Isocoma menziesii


    Coastal Goldenbush Coastal Goldenbush, as its name suggests in found along coastal bluffs in southern California. It is an evergreen small shrub growing 1 -4 feet in height with erect or spreading stems. Space 2-3 feet apart. The collection of deep yellow puffs forming a big yellow flower ball that beckons butterflies to sip from…

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  • Keckiella breviflora

    Bush Beardtongue Keckiella is a low, bushy sub-shrub has many wandering branches, growing to 3′ high. It is native to many of the mountain ranges and foothills of central California. It has small, shiny, narrow-toothed green leaves and Purple-striped, white tubular flowers during midsummer (April – July). A good plant for tough situations along the…