Showing 49–64 of 173 results

$5.45 – $30.25
Blueblossom ceanothus Blueblossom ceanothus is a hardy, large evergreen shrub 15′ to 25′ and is Endemic (limited) to California alone. Blueblossom is an attractive plant with glossy green 2” leaves and a fragrant sky-blue blossom flower show in spring. Great choice for a sunny coastal garden! Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade Water: Dry, Light Soil:…

$8.18 – $30.25
Western redbud This deciduous shrub to small tree grows to 14′ tall. In the garden, this multi-trunked tree is a great choice in a perennial border or woodland garden. The large, rounded leaves have attractive heart-shaped bases. New growth can be coppery red. The attractive magenta flowers appear in late summer to fall when the…

$9.90 – $16.50
Mountain Mahogany Mountain mahogany is an erect, slow to moderate growing shrub or small tree growing 10-15′ tall x 6′ wide. Space 12-15′ apart. Prune-able for a narrow planting area, side yard, screen, or hedge. A quietly colorful plant with smooth bark, reddish gray branches, and tiny yellow flowers followed by feather-like seeds. If possible,…

Desert Willow This deciduous shrub to small tree reaches 12′-20′ in height with an equal spread. It will go dormant from late fall to mid spring. Space 6-8′ apart. Known for its fantastic summer blooms, Desert Willow makes for a hardy and drought-tolerant addition to the garden, once established. The tube-shaped flowers attract many pollinators…

$6.60 – $8.50
Scarlet Larkspur Scarlet larkspur is a perennial wildflower that grows to 3-4′ tall. Great is a summer dry garden giving color with stalks of vibrantly red tubular flowers in the spring through early summer. The flowers attract a delightful bunch of humming birds as primary pollinators and bumblebees. You may get a additional surprise of…

Gypsum loving larkspur Gypsum-loving larkspur is a rare flower endemic to the San Joaquin Valley and the Southern Coast Ranges of California. It grows 1 1/2 to 3 feet tall. The pinkish white flowers appear in the early spring and last until early summer. Plant a few and watch for hummingbirds to drink nectar from…

Bush poppy Bush poppy is an evergreen small shrub, 6 feet wide by 6 feet tall (rarely exceeding 10 feet tall). It is a dependable source of early Spring color. The Bush Poppy blooms from mid Winter through Spring and usually has a few flowers much of the rest of the year. It grows in…

$2.13 – $15.70
Sticky monkeyflower This sub-shrub grows to 3 to 4 feet tall and is an excellent choice for a hardy, deer resistant Sticky monkeyflower blooms prolifically with one inch orange flowers that attract hummingbirds. For the best care plant in well drained soil and give very little water once established – too much water can cause…

Coast dudleya Coast dudleya is a perennial succulent that grows along the coastline from San Francisco to Los Angeles. It starts as a rosette with pale green finger like fleshy leaves. In the spring through summer spikes of yellow-orange flowers appear followed by hummingbirds to drink their nectar. A nice addition to a drought tolerant…

Rock Lettuce This colorful succulent is found in rock areas in the low elevations of the California mountains. It will grow to about 12″ tall. The red-orange stems are topped with yellow-red clusters of flowers that attract hummingbirds from March through July. Dudleya cymosa is also the larval host plant for the Sonoran blue butterfly….

$7.15 – $14.50
Bluff lettuce This dudleya grows about 1′ tall and 1′ wide. is variable in appearance, growing from a branching caudex and forming a basal rosette of wide, pointed, spade-shaped leaves, each up to about six centimeters across. The leaves are generally very pale green but they often have edges or tips of bright colors, particularly…

Bright Green Dudleya Bright Green Dudleya is a succulent perennial that is native to Catalina Island. It spreads slowing forming clump around 4 feet across. It is a rare plant with a limited distribution. Space 6-12″ apart. Yellow flowers appear in the spring, attracting hummingbirds. It will do best with well drained soils or conditions…

$4.95 – $15.25
California fuchsia This attractive herbaceous perennial grows 1.5 feet tall and 2 feet wide. Space 36-48″ apart. In the garden it is well-suited in containers, rock gardens, informal gardens, and cascading down rock walls. It is particularly stunning when planted on a rocky slope nestled between boulders. A terrific hummingbird plant, California fuchsia blooms during…

Carmen’s Grey Ca. Fuchsia Carmen’s Grey is a semi-decidous perennial. It will grow about 2′ tall and 4′ wide. The dense, furry gray foliage is carpeted with tubular red-orange flowers in late summer and fall, frequented by nectar seeking hummingbirds. Full sun, not much summer water once established, well-drained soil. Will work well as a…

Narrowleaf goldenbush Narrowleaf goldenbush is a small shrub that grows 3 ft tall and even wider, with countless flowers about 3/4 in across. This busy aster shrub with radiant yellow daisy flowers will grow well in any sunny garden. Easy to maintain with minimal water, and once established totally drought tolerant. You’ll definitely get a…

$9.90 – $15.70
California buckwheat This fast-growing, long-lived evergreen shrub is found throughout the foothills of California, usually on fairly dry slopes. If forms a nice mound 2-3′ tall and wide. Space 3’0″ apart. The cream-colored flowers bloom April – September then turn rusty pink as they dry. A favorite of butterflies and honeybees! This is an excellent…