Showing 33–48 of 173 results

$3.58 – $15.70
Mule fat This deciduous perennial shrub is fairly drought-tolerant, and exhibits rapid growth to 8-10′ tall. Mulefat grows in dry rocky arroyos with an upright open form. It sprouts suckers, forming a graceful thicket which can provide good cover for birds. Excellent screening replacement plant for Oleander. Good for habitat gardens as both cover and…

Nevin’s barberry Nevin’s Barberry is an endangered evergreen shrub that is endemic to chaparral washes of the San Fernando Valley. Adapts to most soil types but does best in coarse, well drained slopes. Grows slowly to about 6′-10′ wide and tall, can reach up to 13′ at the highest. Layered spikes of cup-shaped fragrant blossoms…

$0.58 – $14.50
Blue grama Blue grama is a perennial drought-resistant short grass – grows about 1 foot tall. Grows in bunches that can spread through tillers. Space 15-18″ apart. Blue grama has become a popular garden accent grass due to its green to greyish color and interesting seed heads which resemble small penants. It is a great…

$3.85 – $8.50
California brickellia California brickellia is a mounding, spreading, evergreen perennial that grows to 2-7 feet tall and wide with a moderate to fast growth rate. This drought tolerant plant has light yellow flowers in the summer and fall providing a noticeable pleasant fragrance during the hot summer evenings. One of the most delightful of all…

$2.10 – $2.45
Pacific reedgrass Pacific Reedgrass is an evergreen perennial bunchgrass that is mainly a coastal species in moist areas such as beaches, dunes, coastal woodlands, and wetlands. It prefers full sun along the coast, but is tolerant of partial shade inland. It forms thick tufts that can reach up to 3.3 ft. tall with several flat…

$7.00 – $9.70
Island morning glory This versatile morning glory can take the form of a low herbaceous vine or a stout, woody, climber approaching 9 meters in length. The flowers change from white to pale-pink during their long bloom period, which lasts from February through July. It has a handsome appearance even without flowers. In the winter,…

Short stem sedge It is low growing (6″ tall) and will spread via rhizomes, which makes it capable of forming a dense turf that responds well to being walked upon. Found naturally in open, sandy/rocky slopes, cliffs, and dunes. This handsome Carex is great for rock gardens. It can also be used as a lawn…

$0.53 – $2.40
California black-flowering sedge This bunching perennial sedge grows 1-2.’ tall and occurs naturally in wetlands and along stream banks below the high-water mark. It can handle being slightly submerged in water. Grows at a moderate rate to form dense, clumpy mounds. Very interesting tufted flowers ranging in color from black, to dark red, to dusky…

$0.60 – $2.40
California Meadow Sedge Meadow sedge grows to 12″ tall with a floppy habit. Tolerates both winter inundation and summer drought Among the most popular sedges for creating an alternative lawn, Carex pansa forms little clumps and forming a wild meadow. Looks best unmowed with water twice per month (but a trimming with weed whacker two…

$9.90 – $10.90
Bush anemone This evergreen shrub is one of the showiest native species, producing tons of fragrant blooms from April to July. It is adaptable to a variety of soils including clay and loam but does best with well drained soil. It is really easy to care for and will grow in both sun and shade….

‘Yankee Point’ Ceanothus from seed This Ceanothus has been produced from the seed of the cultivar ‘Yankee Point’. ‘Yankee Point’ is an evergreen sub-shrub. Growing to 4 feet tall and 10 feet wide, this low shrub’s shiny leaves, dense form and graceful habit make it an attractive bank cover. Space 6-8′ apart. It is a…

$7.70 – $16.50
Mt. Vision Ceanothus This rare variety of C. g. var. porrectus grows only to approximately 1 foot in height with a wide spread to 10 feet. Pretty tough for a low growing plant. Mt. Vision puts on a great display of bright blue flowers in the late winter or early spring. It’s small holly-like leaves…

Carmel Mountain Lilac Yankee Point is an evergreen sub-shrub. Growing to 4 feet tall and 10 feet wide, this low shrub’s shiny leaves, dense form and graceful habit make it an attractive bank cover. It is a rapid spreader and is sprinkled with medium-blue flower clusters in April-May. This selection of the coastal species is…

Hearst Ranch Buckbrush Hearst Ranch Buckbrush is an evergreen groundcover that grows to about 1 foot tall and can spread to 6-8 feet wide. It is endemic where it grows naturally in the coastal hills of San Louis Obispo. This is one of the lowest growing Ceanothus providing round balls of blue flowers in late…

$9.90 – $15.70
Deerbrush Deerbrush is a evergreen at lower elevations and deciduous at high elevations. It grows from about 4 to 13 feet tall and about 7′ wide with a moderate growth rate. The fragrant flowers are usually white or blue and every so often pink in color. The large flower clusters and appear in the late…

$7.43 – $30.25
White bark California lilac White bark California Lilac is an evergreen shrub that grows to 8 feet tall and six to ten feet wide. It grows at a moderate to fast rate. With the white bark and azure blue flowers, the bush makes quite a show in spring. It is very drought tolerant and provides…