Showing 17–32 of 355 results

$5.93 – $15.25
Yerba mansa This deciduous perennial is one of our favorite plants! It grows to a height of about 1 ft. and has beautiful white compound flowers in spring and early summer. Being a marsh plant, it requires a warm position with shallow water or a wet muddy humus-rich soil. It also performs best when allowed…

California Angelica California angelica is a perennial herb that can grow from 6 to 8 feet tall. It is commonly found in the shade on dry slopes. Clusters of white flowers providing a large flat surface in the summer for butterflies to land. The umbels of white flowers appear between June through August. Perfect for…

$7.28 – $9.70
Coast Angelica Coast Angelica is a tall evergreen biennial or perennial adapted to a coastal garden. It grows to 3-4′ tall with large bold leaves. In the late spring through summer the umbel shaped white flowers appear and provide nectar and pollen to the delight of many pollinators. As the flowers age they become purple…

Seacoast angelica Seacoast Angelica is a perennial that growing from 2- 4 1/2″. The globe-shaped flower umbels and the height make Angelicas a striking border plant. The seed heads may be dried for use in dried arrangements. It will do best with partial to full shade in an inland garden. The large flowers are seen in the…

$2.10 – $2.45
Vanilla Grass This evergreen, spreading perennial grass grows to approx. 2’x2′ can be found growing in coniferous forests along the west coast of North America. Space 9-12″ apart. It prefers a shady situation, with summer irrigation. The whitish flowers are held on 18″ stalks above broad, bright green, sweetly scented foliage. Excellent for woodland gardens,…

$3.30 – $7.70
Serpentine columbine Serpentine columbine is a dainty looking tough plant. It is a perennial that grows 2-3 feet tall and not widely available. The showy abundant dangling red flowers grace the plant Late spring through summer almost into fall. Perfect for attracting hummingbirds to sip on its nectar. As the name suggests it will grow…

$6.60 – $7.70
Western columbine This 1-3′ tall short-lived perennial is great for butterfly and bird gardens. A good nectar source for hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Other birds such as finches and sparrows eat the seeds. Combine with other partial shade plants such as California coffeeberry, giant chain fern, island alum root, Douglas iris, hummingbird sage, and currants….

Pink Manzanita This 8′ tall evergreen shrub will grow about as wide as tall. The bark is lovely dark maroon and in the late winter through early spring urn shaped clusters of pink flowers that cover the plant. This particular species is very clay tolerant and can also handle surpentine soil. It needs very little…

Big Sur Manzanita This evergreen mounding shrub reaches 2-3 feet tall and roughly 3-4 feet wide, but grows slowly. It tolerates cold well, and produces subtle white flowers in fall and winter that attract hummingbirds and other pollinators This cultivar was selected for the garden, and is able to tolerate practically any soil type. It…

Eastwood’s manzanita Eastwood’s manzanita is a very uncommon, sprawling evergreen shrub. It typically grows up to 2 ft. tall in the garden and can double or triple in width. The foliage is more grayish-green than other manzanitas, the bark is a beautiful red, and the flowers are white. Once established it is both deer resistant…

Dr. Hurd manzanita Dr. Hurd grows into a tree-like shrub up to 15 feet tall. Often used as a specimen tree, this Manzanita is prized for its red, peeling bark and twisted branching patterns. It needs well-drained soil and full sun. It has clusters of white bell-shaped flowers from January through March. Good companion plants…

Pointleaf Manzanita Pointleaf manzanita is an erect, evergreen, spreading shrub that grows to about 3-6′ tall and wide. Takes on a beautiful shape This shrub thrives in dry, shallow, acidic soils heavy with gravel and sand, and forms relationships with mycorrhizae to obtain extra nutrients and water. Excellent for both hummingbird and songbird gardens as…

Woollyleaf manzanita Woollyleaf manzanita is endemic to California, and a regular residents of chaparral canyons, foothill, and lower-elevation mountain ranges. The branches are woolly when young. This evergreen shrub is both low-lying and spreading, usually growing to about 5 ft, and wider than taller. Blooms from January to March, with soft pinkish-white flowers resembling delicate…

Point Reyes Bearberry ‘Point Reyes’ is super-tough with superb heat and drought tolerance. Spreading, mat-forming evergreen shrub; thick, dark green, rounded and trailing-to-arching, snake-like branches and small, leathery leaves. It grows from 1.5′ tall and 4-6′ wide. Great in full sun on the coast or with a little shade inland, it produces sweet clusters of…

Green Supreme bearberry Arctostaphylos u. ‘Green Supreme’ is very compact and low growing with a spread of between 6-10 ft, and a height of approximately 6 in. Small, bright green, oblong leaves with red branches and stems. Flowers are delicate with a soft pink color. Blooms begin in late spring. This species does not flower…

Pacific silverweed This lovely spreading perennial grows about 2-6″ tall and can spread up to 3 feet. In its native habitat Pacific Silverweed will be found in wetlands including brackish marshes around the bay area. In your garden if you have a section that stays moist and looking for a ground cover than this plant…