Showing 65–80 of 145 results

  • Elymus triticoides


    Creeping wild rye This long-lived semi-evergreen, spreading perennial grass grows 1.5 to 4′ tall. Near riverbanks, this native great for erosion control because of its rhizomatous growth habit. Also, it tolerates trampling and mowing. It has been a superstar at out-competing some invasive weeds. One of our more common riparian understory grasses, this grass stays…

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  • Equisetum laevigatum


    Smooth scouring rush This prehistoric relative of the fern grows throughout much of North America. Early settlers and Indians used scouring rush scouring and polishing pots and pans, hence the name “scouring rush”. The grittiness comes form the high silica content of the plant cells. Often forming clonal colonies of plants, the root system consists…

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  • Eriogonum fasciculatum


    California buckwheat This fast-growing, long-lived evergreen shrub is found throughout the foothills of California, usually on fairly dry slopes. If forms a nice mound 2-3′ tall and wide. Space 3’0″ apart. The cream-colored flowers bloom April – September then turn rusty pink as they dry. A favorite of butterflies and honeybees! This is an excellent…

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  • Eriogonum giganteum


    St. Catherine’s lace Eriogonum giganteum grows to 4’ tall x 5’ wide with attractive wooly, gray, oval leaves. It is the largest of the Buckwheats. It’s also one of the most popular nectar sources for many butterflies, especially the California Blues & Hairstreaks. The profuse clusters of small white flowers start blooming  in April and…

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  • Eriophyllum staechadifolium


    Seaside Woolly Sunflower Seaside Woolly Sunflower, also named lizard tail, is a compact shrub that grows to about 3′ tall and 3′ wide. It is perfect in a coastal garden, and picture perfect partnered with coastal Lupines & Coyote Brush. A wonderfully easy to grow sub-shrub found along the coast where the gray foliage becomes…

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  • Euthamia occidentalis


    Western goldenrod Western goldenrod is a deciduous, spreading perennial that grows to about 4′ tall. Western goldenrod is a colorful addition to the garden. This stout and branching perennial is ideal for stream side plantings and provides great bank stabilization. A water loving plant, it may be found in damp ground along rivers, streams, tidal…

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  • Fallugia paradoxa


    Apache plume Apache plume is a fast growing deciduous or semi-evergreen medium sized shrub. It is native to the southwestern US and northern Mexico in desert woodlands and scrub. It grows 2-6 feet tall and spaced at 4-6 feet apart. This super showy shrub is drought tolerant has a bit of a unkempt look prior…

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  • Festuca californica


    California fescue This perennial evergreen bunch grass that grows 2-4′ tall and 2-3′ wide. An easy to grow plant, it is an excellent choice as a groundcover for slopes among oaks, California bays, or pines. Space 2’0″ apart. A truly beautiful, mid-sized bunch grass. The graceful, fountain-like, blue-green foliage grows 2’ tall. The showy flower…

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  • Frankenia salina


    Alkali Heath This native perennial rhizomatous herb, often called alkali heath or alkali seaheath is uncommon, even in the region where it is most likely to be found, just north of the San Francisco Bay Area. It is a squat flowering bush that grows to about 1-foot tall forming a twiggy thicket near beaches and…

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  • Fraxinus latifolia


    Oregon ash A deciduous, medium sized (30′-80′) tree, symmetrical in shape, growing about half as wide as it is tall. This tree may reach the age of 250 years and is fast growing the first third of those years, then grows slowly. Space 30′ apart. Oregon ash is commonly found in riparian habitats. In open…

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  • Grindelia stricta var. platyphylla


    Coast gumplant This prostrate semi-decidious perennial herb is endemic to California and only grows 1-2 ft tall. Coast gumplant is tough and fast growing and makes for a great ground cover. This fast spreading plant produces abundant 2 in wide, bright yellow daisy-like blooms from spring well into summer. As cut flowers they’ll add bright,…

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  • Hemizonia congesta


    Hayfield tarweed Hayfield tarweed is a native annual herb growing to 2 ft tall and 1 ft wide, found in the central valley and coastal regions of California.  The inflorescence are covered with glandular hairs and hold yellow daisy-like flower heads. It produces tons of sweetly pungent blooms late in summer and often into fall. …

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  • Heteromeles arbutifolia


    Toyon This evergreen shrub to small tree grows to 15 feet tall and is a great choice for erosion control, fire resistance, and as an informal hedge in the landscape. With little pruning required, Toyon’s pretty red winter berries attracts birds and bees.  This is also an important nectar plant for the California Tortoiseshell butterfly….

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  • Hoita macrostachya


    Leather root Once common, but now rare, Hoita is a deciduous perennial grows 5-7′ tall and wide. It can be found growing throughout California in moist situations or near seasonal streams. Bright green shoots appear in early spring, eventually forming a loose mound topped with purple or wine colored flowers in summer and lasting over…

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  • Holodiscus discolor


    Oceanspray/Creambush An absolutely gorgeous deciduous shrub 4-5′ tall. In most situations, tolerant of both moist and dry situations, but growing larger with more shade and water, reaching up to 10′ in height. From May to August, enjoy this plant’s 5″ fragrant, creamy coral sprays of flowers (edible!) and the pleasant, sweet scent the foliage emits…

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  • Hordeum brachyantherum


    Meadow barley Meadow barley is an attractive fast-growing, short-lived tufted perennial that grows in clumps 10-30″ tall. Space 1-2 ft apart. Found in heavier soils or wetter areas, such as meadows, or stream edges. Not invasive, hence useful in a meadow garden or for erosion control. Most lovely when planted in a mass with colorful…

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