Showing 225–240 of 244 results

  • Schoenoplectus californicus


    California bulrush This evergreen perennial grows to 6 feet tall and can be used in the landscape along the edge of a pond for stabilization. Found along marshes and shoreline in waters up to 1.5 m deep, this plant provides food, cover, and nesting habitat for waterfowl and other birds. In the natural setting, California…

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  • Scrophularia californica


    California bee plant A 2-4’ perennial with three foot spikes of reddish flowers. Great for shady gardens and a prime choice for a butterfly garden.  Drought tolerant but will look good longer in the season with a bit of summer moisture. Attracts butterflies and bees, is a good source of nectar for hummingbirds, and is…

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  • Sedum spathulifolium


    Pacific stonecrop This native succulent brings fun into any rock garden! The intense silvery-white foliage forms thick rosettes, and side branches send out new rosettes to colonize. Stonecrop grows 3 to 4 in. tall and 1 ft. wide. The star like flower spikes are bright orange-yellow and contrast the rosettes dramatically. Excellent in rock gardens,…

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  • Sequoia sempervirens


    Coast redwood Worlds tallest tree and the official California state tree. Fast growing they can reach 50 to 90 feet in 25 years if climate and soil moisture are favorable. Space 15-30 ft apart. A beautiful and symmetrical evergreen tree the rich green foliage has a feathery look that is highlighted by the cinnamon colored…

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  • Sisyrinchium bellum


    Blue-eyed grass This 1′ tall perennial with 1″ blue flowers is a horticulture favorite.  A great plant for borders, containers, or massed on a grassy slope in the garden. This plant has small, iris-like leaves, and can be very drought tolerant but will flower longer with some summer water.  It flowers January to June. Blue…

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  • Sisyrinchium californicum


    Golden-eyed grass An evergreen, herbaceous perennial growing in 8”-12″ tall clumps, found in moist places. Bright yellow flowers cover the plant throughout spring and summer. Its compact iris-like leaves darken and die back in fall & should be cut back. Golden-eyed grass likes moisture, especially in summertime. When it receives adequate moisture it will re-seed…

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  • Solanum umbelliferum


    Bluewitch Nightshade Bluewitch Nightshade is an herbaceous perennial sub-shrub that grows up to 3 feet tall. The 1-inch, bright blue-purple flowers bloom most of the year (from February to October) and are followed by black berries (do NOT eat them! – all parts of this plant are toxic to humans and some animals). Bluewitch Nightshade…

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  • Stipa cernua


    Nodding needlegrass Nodding needlegrass is a 2-3′ perennial bunch grass that grows in the foothills of California. Space 1-2 ft apart. It is very drought tolerant and showy. Not only is it a beautiful native grass it is also very drought tolerant. The panicles of thin, fine, nodding awns have a silky aspect and are…

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  • Stipa lepida


    Foothill needlegrass This perennial bunchgrass grows 1-3’ tall and is very drought tolerant. Space 1-2 ft apart. This fine-bladed, tufted bunchgrass is commonly found along chaparral margins in the Coast Ranges and in the Sierra foothills. Its graceful flower stalks have needle like awns that shimmer in the afternoon light. Excellent choice for dry meadow,…

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  • Stipa pulchra


    Purple needlegrass This perennial bunchgrass is long-lived and drought tolerant and grows from 1-3’ tall. Space 2-3 ft apart An excellent choice for dry meadow, accents in mixed border, in rock gardens or in containers. Purple needlegrass is one of the key components of California’s native grasslands. Roots extend down 20 ft to tap soil…

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  • Styrax redivivus


    Snowdrop bush A deciduous shrub usually 4′-6′ high, but sometimes growing 6′ wide by 12′ high with attractive branching. Its gray bark and graceful form make it attractive even without its leaves. Between April and May it displays many fragrant, showy, 1″ pendulant white flowers similar to Philadelphus (Mock orange) with citrus flowers followed by…

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  • Symphoricarpos mollis

    Creeping snowberry A deciduous sub-shrub typically growing only 1 ft tall but spreading by rhizomes 3-4 ft wide. The tiny snow white berries of this native shrub appear in late summer, as the soft pink bell shaped flowers fade.  Fruit is edible, but tastes a bit like bath soap, and is appreciated more by birds…

  • Thalictrum fendleri


    Meadow rue Meadow Rue is a lacy perennial. It is semi-deciduous in the summer. It grows about 3-6 feet tall and 1 foot wide. Great for a shady garden! Meadow Rue does will in moist meadows, It loves shade and does well with ferns, wild ginger, coral bells and other moist shade loving plants. The…

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  • Tolmiea menziesii

    Piggyback Plant Piggyback plant is an evergreen perennial that grows to about 1 foot tall. It works great is shady moist gardens and can also make a fun houseplant. For garden purposes add redwood compost to soil mix. The flowers appear in loose racemes in spring with small tubular purplish-brown flowers that attract bees and…

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  • Triteleia laxa


    Ithuriels’s spear A bulb (corm) with a stem that grows to about 2 feet tall. Provides a vibrant color April-June as the annual grasses turn brown. Ithuriels’ spear is beautiful, useful, adaptable and easy to grow, even in heavy clay soil. Plant with Blue-eyed grass, yarrow, buttercups and purple needle grass for a truly colorful…

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  • Umbellularia californica


    California bay (laurel) This handsome evergreen tree can grow to 80′ when fully mature (80-100 years). Space 20’0″ apart. The leaves are aromatic like its cousin from Greece. Thrives in fairly moist soils, but tolerates dry soil as well. In its natural coastal montane habitat, it likes sun. If planted in a dry inland habitat,…

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