Showing 161–176 of 244 results

$10.90 – $11.45
Yellow bush lupine This fast-growing evergreen shrub grows 4 to 5 ft tall, and is identified by its large canary yellow (occasionally blue) flowers on 6″ spikes that flower from February to July. This plant is quite stunning and great for coastal gardens. However, please only plant it in it’s native range: along the coast…

$8.95 – $10.90
Blue Bush Lupine This purple-flowered shrub is an uncommon form of the typically yellow-flowered Bush Lupine (Lupinus arboreus). Blue bush lupine is a fast growing, evergreen shrub that grows to 3-6′ tall and 3-4′ wide. Tall spires of fragrant purple flowers cover this shrub in the spring through summer. Providing nectar for the Arrowhead Blue…

Beach blue lupine Beach blue lupine is a fast growing, bushy low shrub growing 4-6 feet tall and 3 feet wide. It is endemic to California where it naturally grows in sand dunes and other coastal habitats. The 4″ light purple flowers off set by the silvery leaves appear in the spring. The large flowers…

Summer lupine This spreading perennial herb grows to about 1′ tall and 1′ wide. Summer lupine is host of the endangered Mission blue butterfly, this is a great habitat plant to plant in the garden! A beautiful perennial for dry sunny spots, the silvery grey leaves stand out against darker greens of Ceanothus and Coffeeberry….

$4.75 – $7.70
Arroyo lupine An annual, 2′ tall x 1′ wide that self sows. Grows quickly and blooms heavily with blue-purple (rarely white) flowers in the late winter or early spring. 3 foot root system makes it good for bank stabilization. Hummingbirds, bees and butterflies collect nectar from the flowers. Birds eat the seeds. Flowers spring-summer.

$1.83 – $7.70
Common Madia This 3′-5′ tall annual wildflower has foliage and flowers that smell like pineapple, velvety leaves that beckon your touch, and a profusion of yellow daisy flowers in the late summer. Foliage and stems are covered with sticky, aromatic glandular hairs. Goldfinches are especially fond of tarweed seeds. Blooms from late spring through summer…

False Solomons Seal The easy to grown, False Solomon’s seal is a herbaceous perennial that grows to about 2 feet tall. Attractive orderly, leaves, white starry flowers and green berries with maroon stripes that eventually turn bright red give the plant 3-season interest. The flowers first appear in April until June following by the berries…

$1.58 – $6.60
California melic This loosely tufted perennial grass grows 2 to 4′ tall. Space 2 ft apart. It is native to dry, exposed rocky slopes and found in our local open hillsides and oak woodlands. The deep roots and extreme drought tolerance make California melic and excellent choice for slope stabilization. The attractive culms persist and…

$1.58 – $2.30
Torrey’s melic A floppy looking, bunch grass; grows to 2′ tall x 1 foot wide. Good looking, very adaptable, drought tolerant grass. Dormant in the late summer. Space 2 ft apart. Commonly found in chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and oak woodland habitats. Useful in rock or shade gardens especially with Sticky Monkey flower, ferns, California…

$1.83 – $7.70
Lindley’s blazing star Lindley’s Blazing Star is an upright annual wildflower that grows 1-2 ft. tall x 1 ft. wide This species is named for its golden yellow satiny five petal blooms centered with a fountain of extra long stamens that appear from late spring to early summer. Its blooming season may be extended with…

$7.15 – $7.90
Red Monardella Red Monardella is a perennial herb that forms low tufts of slender stems lined with thick, shiny green leaves. Red Monardella is evergreen and can tolerate cold temps down to 15° F. Grows up to 1ft. tall and 2 ft. wide with clusters of bright red to yellow colored tubular flowers that bloom…

Serpentine Monardella Serpentine Monardella is a perennial herb producing an erect, purple stem up to about 16 inches in maximum height. Easy garden plant, with minty foliage. Wonderfully heavy bloomer. Can be attractive in a rock garden. Serpentine Monardella differs from the more common coyote mint (Monardella villosa) in that in that it has hairless,…

$6.60 – $14.50
Coyote mint This is a perennial wildflower is found only in California, it grows as a small mat forming shrub about 2′ tall and 2′ wide. The lavender flowers provide valuable nectar for butterflies and being in the mint family the leaves have a lovely minty scent that can be seeped to make tea. Flowers…

$9.90 – $14.30
California wax myrtle This evergreen shrub or small tree grows to 10′-15’ tall with an annual growth rate of 12 to 18 inches. It can be used in the landscape as a hedge or to soften an unattractive feature or wall. California wax myrtle is easy to grow. It can be sheared to produce a…

$1.58 – $8.95
Deergrass A large evergreen bunchgrass grows 3’ tall and 3’ wide– easy to grow, even without summer water. Space 4’0″ apart. This robust grass grows fast and will normally grow to a mature size in a season or two. It will also help to control erosion due to its extensive root system. It was commonly…

$4.75 – $7.70
Five spot Fivespot is a very colorful spring wildflower that is endemic to California. It is a hardy annual that grows very, very fast and blooms profusely, and it dies back with the first frost of fall. Although an annual, Five Spot may re-seed if the seeds fall on bare ground. The 1 inch, 5-petaled…