Showing 1–16 of 244 results

$9.90 – $38.50
Bigleaf maple This deciduous tree grows 40-100’ making it a suitable choice for large gardens and parks. Space >40′ apart. Squirrels & chipmunks relish seeds, and it provides valuable shelter for wildlife. If properly watered, young trees will establish fast (>3 feet per year). Once established, they are fairly drought tolerant (growth slows to ~1…

$9.90 – $42.40
Box-elder This deciduous tree grows to 30′ to 50’ and is an excellent stream side stabilizer. A great plant to attract wildlife as many species of birds and squirrels feed on the seeds. Young shoots grow quickly (~2 feet per year) and will establish a dense shady canopy in a few years. Space 25′ apart….

$1.65 – $15.25
Yarrow This Semi-evergreen herbaceous perennial grows 1-3 ft tall and is a perfect choice for growing in a meadow garden. The ferny foliage will stay green all year with some summer water and the white umbels make good cut flowers. Cut back after blooming which takes place from March through June. Yarrow spreads by rhizomes,…

Baneberry This low growing deciduous perennial shrub grows to 2 feet tall. A very ornamental plant with lush green dissected foliage and an excellent choice for a woodland garden. Also works well as a mounding ground cover in moist shade (woodland). Its small snowflake-like flowers bloom from June to July followed by showy white or…

Hounds Tongue This summer – fall dormant perennial grows up to 2.5 ft tall. A beautiful early spring flower found under oaks and other dry shade situations. Drifts of hound’s tongue give drama to woodlands early in the year. The new leaves are also attractive as they appear in mid/late winter followed by clear blue…

Southern maidenhair fern The southern maidenhair fern gets to about 2 feet tall and wide. This drooping fern has distinctive fan-shaped leaf segments This graceful fern has fluffy, airy, and elegant foliage, which works well in containers in a rock garden or in open ground. It’s a perfect plant for providing light, airy texture to…

One leaf onion One of California’s easier native onions, this vigorous bulb will spread out and fill an area with it’s offsets and innumerable seedlings. Actually growing several leaves per plant, the blue green growth is contrasted by the vibrant rose-pink clusters of flowers that explode from the tips of their 1′ long stalks. Adaptable…

$5.48 – $7.70
Pearly everlasting This erect, short-lived, rhizomatous perennial grows to 3′ tall. Use in a perennial border, rock garden, or meadow landscape. Drought tolerant, but occasional summer water is best. Flowers make 2″ clusters of white button heads. Pearly white flowers dry nicely in a fashion similar to straw flowers. Silver gray color gives a contrast…

$5.93 – $15.25
Yerba mansa This deciduous perennial is one of our favorite plants! It grows to a height of about 1 ft. and has beautiful white compound flowers in spring and early summer. Being a marsh plant, it requires a warm position with shallow water or a wet muddy humus-rich soil. It also performs best when allowed…

$2.10 – $2.45
Vanilla Grass This evergreen, spreading perennial grass grows to approx. 2’x2′ can be found growing in coniferous forests along the west coast of North America. Space 9-12″ apart. It prefers a shady situation, with summer irrigation. The whitish flowers are held on 18″ stalks above broad, bright green, sweetly scented foliage. Excellent for woodland gardens,…

$1.83 – $9.70
Hemp Dogbane Hemp dogbane is a deciduous, strong, erect perennial plant that reaches 3-4 ft. tall with a moderate growth rate. Often spreading aggressively from underground rhizomes. The small cream-colored flowers are clustered at branch ends or on stalks from leaf axils. They provide abundant nectar and are pollinated by moths, butterflies and many different…

$3.30 – $7.70
Serpentine columbine Serpentine columbine is a dainty looking tough plant. It is a perennial that grows 2-3 feet tall and not widely available. The showy abundant dangling red flowers grace the plant Late spring through summer almost into fall. Perfect for attracting hummingbirds to sip on its nectar. As the name suggests it will grow…

$6.60 – $7.70
Western columbine This 1-3′ tall short-lived perennial is great for butterfly and bird gardens. A good nectar source for hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Other birds such as finches and sparrows eat the seeds. Combine with other partial shade plants such as California coffeeberry, giant chain fern, island alum root, Douglas iris, hummingbird sage, and currants….

Elk clover This large dramatic winter deciduous perennial, grows to about 6′ x 6′ and can reach as much as 8′ around. Elk clover is native to shaded stream banks throughout western California, Despite its streamside habit, Elk Clover will do well in any soil that does not dry out completely. In the summer, small…

Pink Manzanita This 8′ tall evergreen shrub will grow about as wide as tall. The bark is lovely dark maroon and in the late winter through early spring urn shaped clusters of pink flowers that cover the plant. This particular species is very clay tolerant and can also handle surpentine soil. It needs very little…

Sentinel manzanita One of the faster growing manzanitas, this cultivar of A. densiflora was selected for its overall height and spreading canopy reaching 10 by 8 feet. Very showy all year round with deep red bark, silvery foliage, and dense clusters of flowers in late winter. Great for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies. Tolerates heavy soils…