Showing 241–256 of 360 results

$1.80 – $14.50
Hooker’s Evening Primrose A highly adaptable deciduous perennial that will vigorously reseed in the right conditions. It is tolerant of drought (and a moderate amount of snow). The large (2.5 – 3″) lovely yellow flowers bloom late Spring through mid Summer. The tall flower stalks with attract lined sphinx moth as well as other moths…

$7.15 – $8.30
Redwood sorrel Redwood sorrel is a short herbaceous perennial plant with erect flowering stems 5–15 cm tall. The three leaflets are heart-shaped with purplish undersides. The flowers are white to pink and the hairy five-chambered seed capsules are egg-shaped. This oxalis is found in moist Douglas Fir and Coast Redwood forests, blanketing the forest floor…

$1.65 – $15.25
Scarlet Bugler Scarlet bugler is an upright perennial herb that is summer deciduous and grows from 2 to 4 feet tall and about 1 foot wide. A series of long red flowers appear in the spring through summer. The flowers are a strong humming bird attractant.Prefers well draining soil but does fine with clay soil…

Foothill Penstamon Margarita BOP is a mat forming perennial that is fast growing (1-2′ tall and 2-3′ wide). It’s low habit and small size make it an excellent choice for narrow borders, or it can be mass planted in larger spaces. The Iridescent blue-purple tubular flowers appear on short spikes and continue to bloom from…

$6.60 – $9.70
Beardtongue penstemon A herbaceous perennial that spreads to 2’ wide. The 1” to 1.5,” blue tubular flowers are densely borne on 20” spikes. Attracts hummingbirds, regular birds and butterflies. It needs no summer water once established and adapted to poor, dry, well-drained soil. Excellent in rock gardens, or dry garden containers

Mountain pride Mountain Pride is a low growing perennial, reaching 1′ high by 3′ wide that will go dormant in the winter. Mountain Pride is a show stopping Penstemon. The floral displays of this delightful perennial will dazzle any display garden. Normally found in higher elevations, Penstemon newberryi craves good drainage and rocky soil. In…

$5.00 – $14.50
Balloon flower An herbaceous perennial with erect growth to 4-6 ft. high when in bloom. Showy cream to pale pink flowers on tall spikes are intensely fragrant with a sweet scent. Great for birds, butterflies, and especially bumblebees, which are excellent pollinators who love to crawl into the flowers that are large and round, hence…

$3.85 – $8.95
Rydberg’s Penstemon Rybergs’s penstemon is a moderately fast growing perennial. It grows 1-3 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Whorls of deep purple flowers abound and beside being beautiful to our eye the flowers attract humming birds and other pollinators. Its native habitat are mountain meadows so plant in an area with some summer moisture…

Royal penstemon Royal penstemon is a 2′ deciduous perennial It likes full sun, good drainage, and little water. This is a drought tolerant, showy border plant abundant along the east side of the Sierra from between Mojave and Tehachapi to Mono Lake. The profuse 1-2″ sky blue flowers appear May-July. Suitable both in the ground…

$3.65 – $7.70
Showy Penstemon Showy penstemon is a short lived evergreen perennial that grows 2′ wide with erect stems reaching 3-4′ tall. It is one of the most spectacular of the penstemons. Very drought tolerant, occasional water lengthens bloom season but may shorten the plant’s lifespan. Prune after blooms to promote new growth. The very showy lavender…

$6.60 – $7.30
Yampah This deciduous herbaceous perennial grows 1-2’ tall when in flower. Yampa is very important larval host plant for the anise swallowtail butterfly. Mass together for borders, combine with yarrow, blue-eyed grass, soap plant, and asters for a meadow look. The pom-pom like umbels of white flowers appear in Spring through Summer. Will go completely…

Bladderpod Bladder pod is a fast growing evergreen, densely branching shrub with an average height and width of 3′ x 3′. Will self sow. The flowers are beautiful, bright yellow, and stay on the plant most of the year, and attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. It is highly fragrant, though the public is divided on…

$4.95 – $12.00
Woodland phacelia Woodland phacelia otherwise named Caterpillar flower is a colorful perennial that grows in small mounds about 1.5′ tall and 2′ wide. It is short-lived but often reseeds. It blooms later than most others, and is commonly in flower during the hottest summer months. It will provide you with a splash of dime sized…

$4.95 – $14.50
California phacelia This herbaceous perennial grows to 1-2 feet tall. Plant in rock gardens or on a slope with good drainage. Space 1’0″ apart. Purple fiddle neck flowers are in bloom from March to September. The flowers provide an important nectar source for the endangered Mission blue butterfly. The flowers also provide for lots of…

$6.60 – $7.30
Shade phacelia Shade phacelia is an herbaceous annual to perennial that grows to 1.5′ tall. It prefers moist slopes, stream banks, and mixed evergreen or coniferous forests. While it can be found in full sun it is also tolerant of partial shade (hence the name) The plant has subdued green divided leaves, dense clusters of…

$7.30 – $7.70
Lacy phacelia Lacy Phacelia is an annual California native wildflower with bright blue fuzzy flowers on 2′ stalks. It is valued for as major pollinator plant. It’s long, coiling inflorescences of nectar-rich flowers which open in sequence, giving a long flowering period; leaving plenty of time to provide flowers and nectar during spring-summer. It is a…