Showing 113–128 of 281 results

$13.20 – $16.50
Stream orchid This rhizomatous perennial orchid grows from 12-18” tall. The beautiful showy flowers are the largest flowers of all the California native orchids. This California stream orchid grows in permanently wet soil and so it makes a beautiful and well behaved addition to any bog. The Landscape uses are abundant. Plant near waterfall, ponds,…

$11.75 – $15.25
Smooth scouring rush This prehistoric relative of the fern grows throughout much of North America. Early settlers and Indians used scouring rush scouring and polishing pots and pans, hence the name “scouring rush”. The grittiness comes form the high silica content of the plant cells. Often forming clonal colonies of plants, the root system consists…

$2.48 – $10.90
Mock heather Mock heather or California goldenbush is a small mounding, evergreen shrub that grows to about 3 feet tall and 3-4 feet wide. The golden colored flowers cover the plant in late summer into fall providing late season color, pollen and nectar. It grows best in sandy soils as it’s native to sand dunes….

$6.38 – $8.50
Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat is an evergreen shrub with a moderate growth rate. It grows from 2-7 feet tall and 2-9 feet wide. It’s extremely drought tolerant, and after it is established and exposed to drought-stressed in the summer, the plant still looks beautiful. Sun: Full Sun Water: Dry, Light Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand…

$5.78 – $31.75
St. Catherine’s lace Eriogonum giganteum grows to 4’ tall x 5’ wide with attractive wooly, gray, oval leaves. It is the largest of the Buckwheats. It’s also one of the most popular nectar sources for many butterflies, especially the California Blues & Hairstreaks. The profuse clusters of small white flowers start blooming in April and…

$6.60 – $7.70
Red-Flowered Buckwheat An attractive low sub-shrub that rows in low mounds to approx. 2′ tall x 10″ wide. The buckwheats are very important butterfly plants and one of the pillars of their plant communities, but deer like to browse on them so keep them protected. Red-flowered buckwheat is one of the showiest of the buckwheats. …

$1.65 – $14.50
Coast buckwheat Coast Buckwheat is a small evergreen sub-shrub, usually on coastal bluffs. It grows quickly to a nice mound about 2′ tall and wide. Space 2-3′ apart. The round clusters of cream-colored flowers bloom April – September, turning rusty pink as they dry. A favorite of butterflies and honeybees! Its form, foliage, and flowers…

$4.95 – $14.50
Buckwheat This small, flowering, perennial shrub grows 6″-1′ high with cotton ball-like flowers on taller, naked stalks in late spring/early summer. An excellent choice for rock gardens. The basal rosette of flat green leaves gives rise to tall leafless stems topped with rounded clusters of white or pale pink or yellow flowers. Plant needs excellent…

Sulphur-flower buckwheat This prostrate herbaceous perennial is fantastic as a colorful evergreen ground cover, growing up to 12 in tall and 18 in wide. Sulphur flower buckwheat, and is typically found at higher elevations. The erect flowering stems up to 12 in tall yellow flower heads. This plant likes well drained soil and sunny slopes. …

$9.90 – $10.90
Golden yarrow Golden yarrow is a 1 – 2′ tall shrub with bright yellow flowers in early summer. Space plants 1-2 ft apart. Lovely foliage and bold flowers for dry well-drained spot. It does best with full sun, a little summer water, and good drainage. Companion plants include Salvias, Sticky monkeyflower, and California sagebrush. Makes…

Apache plume Apache plume is a fast growing deciduous or semi-evergreen medium sized shrub. It is native to the southwestern US and northern Mexico in desert woodlands and scrub. It grows 2-6 feet tall and spaced at 4-6 feet apart. This super showy shrub is drought tolerant has a bit of a unkempt look prior…

$2.30 – $14.50
Red Fescue This rhizomatous to clumping perennial grass grows fast to 1 foot tall with flower spikes up to 2 feet tall. Space 12 to 14″ apart. Red fescue makes a lovely naturalistic “lumpy lawn” or soft groundcover that can be mowed to 2 inches. Does not need to be cut back but can be…

$1.58 – $2.45
Red Fescue The Molate red fescuse is rhizomatous to clumping perennial grass grows fast to 1 foot tall with flower spikes up to 2 feet tall. Space 12 to 14″ apart. The local Molate form of Red fescue is more drought tolerant than other varieties. It makes a lovely naturalistic “lumpy lawn” or soft ground…

Desert Olive Desert Olive is a deciduous shrub to tree that grows to 5′-10′ tall and 4′-5′ wide, often forms thickets in moister areas of otherwise dry environments, frequently mixing with oaks. Space 4-6 ft apart. These plants have an erect development. In the lower part they usually show a bare stem, while towards the…

$7.15 – $8.30
Beach strawberry This fast evergreen, spreading groundcover grows to about 6″ tall covering the ground with glossy dark green foliage and bright white flowers. Good as a lightly trafficked turf, on broad hillsides, or in parking strips and walkways. Plant 12-18” apart. Fruits are edible. Prune annually to renovate and prevent thick-layered colonies. Flowers April…

$6.50 – $8.30
Woodland strawberry Woodland Strawberry, also known as Wild Strawberry, is a native perennial strawberry that grows less than 1 ft. tall and can spread quickly to 3 ft. wide with its spreading rhizomes (underground) and stolons (above ground runners). This species has lighter green leaves than the native Beach Strawberry. Its precious white flowers bloom…