Showing 49–64 of 281 results

  • Brickellia californica


    California brickellia California brickellia is a mounding, spreading, evergreen perennial that grows to 2-7 feet tall and wide with a moderate to fast growth rate. This drought tolerant plant has light yellow flowers in the summer and fall providing a noticeable pleasant fragrance during the hot summer evenings. One of the most delightful of all…

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  • Bromus sitchensis var. carinatus


    California bromegrass California brome is a short lived medium-tall, competitive, native bunchgrass valued for its rapid and easy establishment for re-vegetation and erosion control purposes. Space 30-36″ apart. The deep fibrous root system makes the plant fairly resistant to grazing and drought. Provides good cover for wildlife and the seed is consumed by quail and…

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  • Calycanthus occidentalis


    Western spicebush This deciduous shrub to multi-stemmed small tree grows to 8′ tall and 8′ wide in an erect, dense, rounded form.  This plant is a moderate to fast grower and provides good erosion control and soil binding ability when planted along stream banks. Grows taller with ample water. Spicebush is named for its fragrant…

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  • Calystegia macrostegia


    Island morning glory This versatile morning glory can take the form of a low herbaceous vine or a stout, woody, climber approaching 9 meters in length. The flowers change from white to pale-pink during their long bloom period, which lasts from February through July. It has a handsome appearance even without flowers. In the winter,…

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  • Carex athrostachya


    Slenderbeak sedge Slenderbeak sedge grows in clumps to about 30″ tall with a dense inflorescence just under an inch long. As with some other Carex species they do will in very well in wet conditions when the season is wet and also make it though the dry season. It would do great in a wet…

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  • Carex barbarae


    Santa Barbara sedge This evergreen spreading perennial grows to 1-3′ tall. In the garden, this sedge is great for pond edges,containers, and soil stabilization due to its strong root systems. Birds will eat the seeds and use grass fibers for nesting material.  Historically, people used the fibrous roots for basket weaving. Plant with water loving…

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  • Carex densa


    Dense Sedge Dense sedge is an evergreen perennial herb.  It gets approx. 1-1/2′ to 2′ tall by 1-1/2′ wide. Rather rare and hard to find in nurseries. This species grows well with Meadow barley, Grey rush, Willow, and Seep Monkey flower. Its habit is that of a loose clumping plant, rather than a spreader. It’s particularly good…

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  • Carex harfordii

    Harford’s sedge This perennial mat forming sedge, can get quite tall, with reaching 4′ at their tallest. This sedge would be perfect for a perennial wet area of a garden or around a pond in pots. The colors are green in the spring and summer and straw-colored to reddish brown as the fruits appear from…

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  • Carex nudata


    California black-flowering sedge This bunching perennial sedge grows 1-2.’ tall and occurs naturally in wetlands and along stream banks below the high-water mark. It can handle being slightly submerged in water. Grows at a moderate rate to form dense, clumpy mounds. Very interesting tufted flowers ranging in color from black, to dark red, to dusky…

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  • Carex obnupta


    Slough sedge Slough Sedge is a rapidly growing perennial that spreads by rhizomes. It grows to about 3 ft tall This is a great evergreen sedge that spreads readily. Provides food and shelter for waterfowl. The Slough Sedge is unique in its form and the blooming cycle is remarkably long – from April to September,…

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  • Carex pansa


    California Meadow Sedge Meadow sedge grows to 12″ tall with a floppy habit. Tolerates both winter inundation and summer drought Among the most popular sedges for creating an alternative lawn, Carex pansa forms little clumps and forming a wild meadow. Looks best unmowed with water twice per month (but a trimming with weed whacker two…

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  • Carex praegracilis


    Deer-bed sedge This short rich green sedge will grow to 2 feet tall with a floppy habit. It spreads by runners, making it a great lawn substitute (once established, can handle substantial foot traffic), and a bank stabilizer. Sedges can handle standing water and full sun and Works well in a meadow garden with water…

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  • Carpenteria californica


    Bush anemone This evergreen shrub is one of the showiest native species, producing tons of fragrant blooms from April to July. It is adaptable to a variety of soils including clay and loam but does best with well drained soil. It is really easy to care for and will grow in both sun and shade….

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  • Castilleja foliolosa


    Woolly paintbrush Woolly paintbrush is an unusually beautiful 1-2 ft. tall bushy perennial that is stress deciduous. It has soft-white to woolly-gray leaves. This is a showy species! The golden-red bracts and sepals hide small green flowers in a torch-like flower-head. It is hemi-parasite, so the roots grow until they penetrate the roots of a…

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  • Ceanothus ‘Blue Jeans’

    Blue Jeans California Lilac Blue Jeans is an dome shaped evergreen shrub 4-6 ft. tall and 6 ft. wide with small shiny green leaves. It is vigorous and fast growing. It does best in full to part sun with little water once established. Tolerates heavy soils. Can be sheared after flowering for a formal hedge….

  • Ceanothus ‘Concha’


    Ceanothus ‘Concha’ Ceanothus ‘Concha’, one of the oldest and best hybrid ceanothus. This shrub grows to about 4′ h x 4′ w. Concha will grow into a mounding shrub, or can be shaped into a pretty small tree. This vigorous grower tolerates many soil types and will be long lived in most gardens if you…

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