Showing 241–256 of 281 results

$10.90 – $30.25
Salmon berry Salmon berry is a deciduous shrub that can grow to a height of 6-10’ and spread out to form thick stands. This tall and erect shrub looks beautiful at the edges of a garden where its bright pink to dark red blooms are visible throughout their long blooming cycle where they are a…

$2.81 – $30.25
California blackberry A deciduous climbing or trailing evergreen shrub. Native blackberry is not aggressive like it’s Himalayan cousin. The berries are edible and tasty. Flowers host beneficial insects. Good creek-side for erosion control. Tolerates salt spray in shoreline and bluff plantings. Flowers February – June and berries July-August Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade Water: Light,…

California tea It is a low, bushy perennial. grows to about 2′ tall. Space about 2′ apart. Good ground cover for shady spots in the garden and great addition to a butterfly garden with low water requirements. The purple tipped white flowers appear in late spring to summer and the dark-green foliage also persists into…

$2.48 – $15.70
Narrowleaf willow A deciduous shrub reaching 4-16′ in height, spreading by basal shoots to form dense clonal colonies. Salix exigua is an upright tree with slender greyish green branches clothed with long, narrow, finely toothed, silky silver leaves and small pale yellow catkins. The flowers are produced in catkins in late spring, after the leaves…

$1.93 – $15.70
Gooding’s Black Willow Goodding’s Black Willow (Salix gooddingii) has a moderate growth rate and is moderately long-lived. It grows in an upright form to a height of 15-40 feet, with active growth during the spring and summer. It is winter deciduous and will drop it’s leaves. Space 17-20′ apart. It is a common native tree…

$6.38 – $15.70
Red Willow Red willow is a 10-25′ fast growing deciduous tree. Space 18′ apart Usually a straight unbranched trunk with the slender branches producing a well formed crown. The leaves are very finely toothed, light shiny green above , whitish below, with conspicuous yellow mid-veins seen mostly on the upper surface.

$6.38 – $15.70
Arroyo willow Arroyo willow grows to about 10-20′. It is a fast growing deciduous tree. Space 15’0″ apart. Usually a multi-stemmed, thicket forming. Many types of songbirds may build their nests in the crooks of willow branches. Arroyo willow has many uses including stream bank stabilization, rehabilitation of riparian zones, improvement of freshwater fisheries, field…

Sitka willow Sitka willow is a fast growing deciduous shrub-like tree. It can grow from 10 to 23 feet tall. It tends to grow in edges of lakes, streams and wet meadows. It supports several butterfly species including the Western Tiger Swallowtail and the Lorquin’s Admiral.

Sage This Salvia has been produced from the seed of the cultivar Salvia ‘Allen Chickering’. Parentage (S. clevelandii x S. leucophylla) Salvia ‘Allen Chickering’ is a dense shrub that grows to 5 feet tall and wide. The tall flower spikes display whorls of deep lavender flowers in late spring and summer. It will be do…

Pozo Blue sage ‘Pozo Blue’ is a hybrid of Salvia clevelandii and Salvia leucophylla that is an evergreen shrub that can grow to about 6′ tall with a spread of about 8′, but can be kept smaller. Perfect plant as a colorful backdrop or a stand-alone accent when mixed with smaller forbs. It is a favorite of…

$5.45 – $10.90
White sage White sage is a 2′ to 5′ evergreen perennial shrub. It makes a very large white to lavender flower spike (5′) with 100+ 1″ flowers. A great bee plant especially prized for honey production. The flowers emerge in summer, but pucker-back, giving the bees fits because they can’t get in and out very…

Brandegee’s Sage Brandeegee’s sage is an evergreen shrub that grows to 3 feet tall. Brandegee’s sage likes full sun, dry conditions and will grow in sandy or clay soil. It is a rare plant that is native to the canyons of Santa Rosa Island. This beautiful sage with shimmering, blue flowers. flowers April – May….

$5.45 – $30.25
Cleveland sage A semi-evergreen rounded shrub that grows 3′ tall and 4′ wide. Cleveland sage provides rich violet blue flowers from spring to summer. On warm days Cleveland’s sage will fill the air with the sweetest scent. Leaves can be used as a substitute for culinary sage. To keep a dense and more attractive plant,…

‘Whirley Blue’ sage ‘Whirley Blue’ is an evergreen shrub growing to 4 1/2 ft. tall and 6 ft. wide. ‘Whirley Blue’ has aromatic gray-green foliage and very large flower whorls of rich violet flowers. Good for dry sunny areas and along banks and slopes. Like many sages, ‘Whirley Blue’ is deer resistant and attractive to…

Winnifred Gilman sage Winnifred Gilman sage has an evergreen shrub with a compact habit. It grows to about 3 ft. tall. It is prized for its intense violet-blue flowers and fragrant foliage. Will do best in a sunny location and with good drainage. Deer and drought tolerant; attracts bees and hummingbirds. Cultivars such as this…

Chia Chia is a upright annual that grows to about 1.5 feet tall. The purple blue flowers appear in the spring. Plant with other California natives to mix up the colors to best suit your taste. Once this little gem goes to seed shake the pom-poms that the flowers left behind and collect up the…