Showing 177–192 of 280 results
$8.80 – $9.70
Sierra Lupine Sierra (or Gray’s) lupine is a 1 foot tall low growing, ground hugging perennial. Endemic to California and Native to the Sierra Nevada Mountains growing in meadows. The dense lavender flowers appear in late spring and early summer. A perfect addition to a pollinator garden. Bees and Butterflies love the flowers and birds…
Broadleaf lupine This showy evergreen lupine is found in a wide variety of habitats where it grows up to 3 feet tall and 4-6 feet wide. Space about 3 feet apart. This broadleaf lupine bears many flowers in the late spring, with each flower ranging from purple to blue to white in color the spot…
Sky Lupine Sky Lupine is a compact annual lupine that grows 0.5 – 2 ft. tall x 1 ft. wide in a pyramidal, spreading form. Space 2 ft. apart. It’s fragrant, deep blue-purple/lavender to white flowers bloom abundantly from late winter throughout spring in chaparral clearings and along slopes throughout the Coast Ranges and Sierra…
$4.75 – $7.30
Arroyo lupine An annual, 2′ tall x 1′ wide that self sows. Grows quickly and blooms heavily with blue-purple (rarely white) flowers in the late winter or early spring. 3 foot root system makes it good for bank stabilization. Hummingbirds, bees and butterflies collect nectar from the flowers. Birds eat the seeds. Flowers spring-summer.
$1.83 – $7.30
Common Madia This 3′-5′ tall annual wildflower has foliage and flowers that smell like pineapple, velvety leaves that beckon your touch, and a profusion of yellow daisy flowers in the late summer. Foliage and stems are covered with sticky, aromatic glandular hairs. Goldfinches are especially fond of tarweed seeds. Blooms from late spring through summer…
False Solomons Seal The easy to grown, False Solomon’s seal is a herbaceous perennial that grows to about 2 feet tall. Attractive orderly, leaves, white starry flowers and green berries with maroon stripes that eventually turn bright red give the plant 3-season interest. The flowers first appear in April until June following by the berries…
$10.90 – $30.25
Island mallow Island Tree Mallow is a fast growing evergreen shrub that grows about 10″ tall and 10′ wide. Island Tree Mallow produces bright pink-lavender, tropical looking flowers. It is an extremely fast grower and great for an informal hedge or specimen. It can also be trained as a small tree. The long blooming season…
$8.80 – $9.70
Wild cucumber Wild cucumber is a climbing perennial that dies back after fruiting. These are attractive early plants that easily climb to the tops of trees. In May they are covered in blossoms and round spiny fruit. Great for wild gardens where it has places to climb like our chicken wire fence that separates the…
$1.58 – $2.30
Torrey’s melic A floppy looking, bunch grass; grows to 2′ tall x 1 foot wide. Good looking, very adaptable, drought tolerant grass. Dormant in the late summer. Space 2 ft apart. Commonly found in chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and oak woodland habitats. Useful in rock or shade gardens especially with Sticky Monkey flower, ferns, California…
$7.15 – $7.90
Red Monardella Red Monardella is a perennial herb that forms low tufts of slender stems lined with thick, shiny green leaves. Red Monardella is evergreen and can tolerate cold temps down to 15° F. Grows up to 1ft. tall and 2 ft. wide with clusters of bright red to yellow colored tubular flowers that bloom…
$9.90 – $14.30
California wax myrtle This evergreen shrub or small tree grows to 10′-15’ tall with an annual growth rate of 12 to 18 inches. It can be used in the landscape as a hedge or to soften an unattractive feature or wall. California wax myrtle is easy to grow. It can be sheared to produce a…
$4.75 – $7.30
Five spot Fivespot is a very colorful spring wildflower that is endemic to California. It is a hardy annual that grows very, very fast and blooms profusely, and it dies back with the first frost of fall. Although an annual, Five Spot may re-seed if the seeds fall on bare ground. The 1 inch, 5-petaled…
$4.75 – $7.30
Baby-Blue-Eyes Baby-Blue-Eyes is an easy to grow annual with 1-2″ wide blossoms of a pleasing clear sky-blue, set off by white centers. Deeply lobed, bright-green eaves and a neat mounding habit 8-12″ high will make this wildflower useful for the wildflower meadow as well as the precisely place urban garden. It thrives in both dappled…
Osoberry An erect, loosely branched deciduous shrub of variable height depending on conditions. Some remain in the 6-10 ft. range as wide suckering bushes spreading into thickets 12′ wide or more. Some grow 15′-20′ as small trees. Withstands pruning; can be cut back virtually to the ground & will grow back fresh & new. Osoberry is…
$1.80 – $14.50
Hooker’s Evening Primrose A highly adaptable deciduous perennial that will vigorously reseed in the right conditions. It is tolerant of drought (and a moderate amount of snow). The large (2.5 – 3″) lovely yellow flowers bloom late Spring through mid Summer. The tall flower stalks with attract lined sphinx moth as well as other moths…
$6.60 – $7.30
Wind poppy Wind poppy is a very colorful annual. It differs from the California poppy with it crinkled petals. The large brightly colored orange flowers sit atop a long stem, seeming to float above the surrounding vegetation. Expect the blooms between March and April. Re-seeds best after a fire.