Showing 225–240 of 252 results

$5.45 – $30.25
Cleveland sage A semi-evergreen rounded shrub that grows 3′ tall and 4′ wide. Cleveland sage provides rich violet blue flowers from spring to summer. On warm days Cleveland’s sage will fill the air with the sweetest scent. Leaves can be used as a substitute for culinary sage. To keep a dense and more attractive plant,…

‘Whirley Blue’ sage ‘Whirley Blue’ is an evergreen shrub growing to 4 1/2 ft. tall and 6 ft. wide. ‘Whirley Blue’ has aromatic gray-green foliage and very large flower whorls of rich violet flowers. Good for dry sunny areas and along banks and slopes. Like many sages, ‘Whirley Blue’ is deer resistant and attractive to…

Winnifred Gilman sage Winnifred Gilman sage has an evergreen shrub with a compact habit. It grows to about 3 ft. tall. It is prized for its intense violet-blue flowers and fragrant foliage. Will do best in a sunny location and with good drainage. Deer and drought tolerant; attracts bees and hummingbirds. Cultivars such as this…

Chia Chia is a upright annual that grows to about 1.5 feet tall. The purple blue flowers appear in the spring. Plant with other California natives to mix up the colors to best suit your taste. Once this little gem goes to seed shake the pom-poms that the flowers left behind and collect up the…

$7.43 – $11.45
Purple sage Purple sage is a fragrant evergreen shrub that grows 3-5′ tall and 6-8′ wide. This exceptionally hardy and drought tolerant plant is used extensively in native plant and low-water landscaping. Purple sage is a showy silver-leaved shrub with pungent fragrance and light-purple flowers in spikes. It forms neat mounds and likes full sun…

$8.50 – $11.45
Black sage A spring-flowering evergreen shrub with a fresh and spicy scent. Reaches 3-6′ high x 6-8′ wide. Drought tolerant when established; needs no summer water in most areas, but better looking and a lower fire hazard with once-a-month water. An excellent plant for quickly covering dry sunny slopes & providing erosion control. Many small…

Sonoma sage This is a prostrate, semi-woody, herbaceous perennial ground cover 8-12″ high x 3-4′ wide. Fragrant, elliptical, dull green leaves and short spikes of blue-purple flowers attractive to bees. Creeping Sage commonly grows in clay that is very wet in winter, but dry in summer, so be careful not to over water during the…

$7.30 – $38.10
Hummingbird sage Hummingbird Sage grows about 1′-3′ in height. It is a perennial that spreads by rhizomes. Space 4’0″ apart. This sage is native to coastal California from Napa to Orange. As the name implies Hummingbirds work this species very heavily. Well adapted to a variety of conditions and does best with rich soil, part…

$3.80 – $14.50
California bee plant A 2-4’ perennial with three foot spikes of reddish flowers. Great for shady gardens and a prime choice for a butterfly garden. Drought tolerant but will look good longer in the season with a bit of summer moisture. Attracts butterflies and bees, is a good source of nectar for hummingbirds, and is…

$4.95 – $8.80
Bluewitch Nightshade Bluewitch Nightshade is an herbaceous perennial sub-shrub that grows up to 3 feet tall. The 1-inch, bright blue-purple flowers bloom most of the year (from February to October) and are followed by black berries (do NOT eat them! – all parts of this plant are toxic to humans and some animals). Bluewitch Nightshade…

Desert globemallow A woolly perennial that grows to 3 feet tall and almost as wide. Earning its specific epithet “ambigua,” Desert Globemallow’s flowers vary in color from orange to a rose-like salmon-color. The large flowers appear in loose clusters from spring to late fall. It can bloom nearly year-round in the warmest regions and is…

Mountain spiraea Mountain Spiraea is a small deciduous sub-shrub, rarely growing to a meter in height. This shrub native to the Northern Sierras and northern Coastal Range puts on a great show of rosy pink pom poms in late spring and early summer. As winter approaches the leaves will turn to a nice golden yellow…

$0.53 – $2.30
Alkali sacaton This is a 1-3 ft., warm-season, perennial grass growing in large, tough bunches. The name sacaton is derived from the Aztec/Nahuatl word for grass, zacatl. It is enjoyed for its lacy seed heads that create a pink-hued haze above the foliage. Alkali Sacaton flowers for a many months, beginning in June. Its narrow,…

Shortspike hedgenettle This low-growing perennial herb is part of the mint family. Delicate looking, but very hardy, Shortspike hedge nettle is great as a ground cover. It grows 1-2 ft tall. Can be cut back pretty hard, as it is a fast grower. Blooms from June to Sept. Prefers moist conditions. It’s roots form a…

Creeping snowberry A deciduous sub-shrub typically growing only 1 ft tall but spreading by rhizomes 3-4 ft wide. The tiny snow white berries of this native shrub appear in late summer, as the soft pink bell shaped flowers fade. Fruit is edible, but tastes a bit like bath soap, and is appreciated more by birds…

$3.30 – $15.25
California Aster This perennial grows to 1-3 ft tall and makes a flower bed come alive in late summer through fall, when planted with California fuchsia and California goldenrod. It spreads by rhizomes, likes moist soil but can also go without summer water, and is common on coastal grasslands and marshes. Make sure to prune…