Salvia mellifera


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Black sage

A spring-flowering evergreen shrub with a fresh and spicy scent. Reaches 3-6′ high x 6-8′ wide. Drought tolerant when established; needs no summer water in most areas, but better looking and a lower fire hazard with once-a-month water. An excellent plant for quickly covering dry sunny slopes & providing erosion control.

Many small birds and quail like to eat the seeds and the light blue to lavender flowers provide nectar that attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, & native bees.

Black sage is said by bee keepers to be one of the best nectar sources for honeybees.

Sun: Full sun

Water: Dry, Light

Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Bees, Attracts Birds, Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant


Ecological Value

Many small birds and quail like to eat the seeds and the light blue to lavender flowers provide nectar that attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, & native bees.


2-Gal, D-40-O, 1-Gal, 5-Gal, 5-GalS, D-16, D-16S, D-40, D-40S, D-40S-o, TB4

Historical Uses

Spanish settlers used black sage in sausage.


Native to California and is found only slightly beyond California borders.


Between 0 and 3900'


Common on dry slopes and benches.