Salix lasiolepis


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Arroyo willow

Arroyo willow grows to about 10-20′. It is a fast growing deciduous tree. Space 15’0″ apart.

Usually a multi-stemmed, thicket forming. Many types of songbirds may build their nests in the crooks of willow branches.

Arroyo willow has many uses including stream bank stabilization, rehabilitation of riparian zones, improvement of freshwater fisheries, field windbreak and natural area landscaping on moist sites, wetland creation or enhancement, and soil bioengineering.

Lifeform: Tree

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: High, Moderate

Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Birds, Attracts Butterflies, Erosion Control



D-16-O, TP4-O, D-16, D-16S-o, D-40, D-40S, TP4, TP4S, TP4S-o

Ecological Value

The catkins are very important for birds and insects and used in many stream restorations.

Historical Uses

There are many uses for willows most of which rely on the strong and flexible qualities of its wood. The Ohlone used it in building structures, arrows, tools, and baskets.


Native to much of California. It and is also found outside of California, but confined to western North America.


between 0 and 7000 feet

