Salix laevigata


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Red Willow

Red willow is a 10-25′ fast growing deciduous tree. Space 18′ apart

Usually a straight unbranched trunk with the slender branches producing a well formed crown.

The leaves are very finely toothed, light shiny green above , whitish below, with conspicuous yellow mid-veins seen mostly on the upper surface.

Lifeform: Tree

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: High, Moderate

Soil: Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Bees, Attracts Birds, Attracts Butterflies, Erosion Control



D-16-O, D-40-O, TB4-O, TP4-O, D-16S-o, D-40, TB4, TP4, TP4S

Ecological Value

Provides streamside erosion control. Traps sediments and nutrients from surface runoff and prevents them from entering the aquatic system.

Historical Uses

This willow had many uses for Native Americans; the branches were used as flexible poles and building materials, the smaller twigs were used to make baskets, the bark was made into cord and string, an


native to California and is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America.


Between 0 and 5000 feet

