Rhus ovata


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Sugar bush

Sugar bush is an evergreen shrub to small tree. It is tough and easy to grow, and very fast growing once established. A 5 gallon container plant can reach 10 feet in about 3 years. Its size varies from 6-30′ tall and wide. Space 6 to 12′ apart.

Pinkish flowers blooms in the spring followed by sticky red fruit that cab be used to make a lemonade like drink or sucked on for the citrus like flavor.

It’s a great specimen shrub that provides great habitat for wildlife.

As a bonus it is reported to be fire resistant when given supplemental water.

Lifeform: Shrub, Tree

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Dry, Light

Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Birds, Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Erosion Control



Ecological Value

The fruit and flowers are also popular with birds and butterflies and the plant itself provides good habitat for birds.

Historical Uses

Rhus ovata was used by the Cahuilla to treat colds and coughs and by the Kumeyaay to ease child delivery.


In Southern California, Arizona and Baja California


From -283' to 7,419'


Chaparral slopes, often south facing, often very hot and dry, from just inland of the coast to the mountains and desert transition