Quercus berberidifolia


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California Scrub Oak

Scrub Oak is a small to medium-sized evergreen shrub or small tree typically growing in very dense fashion 15-19 feet tall and about 15 feet wide. Space 10 feet apart.

Given full sun and decent drainage, this oak will age into a gnarled shrub, or with a little pruning it will take on the appearance of a ‘bonsai’ oak, with its small evergreen leaves and acorns. Also a striking container plant or evergreen hedge.    Extremely drought tolerant, and good for erosion control!

Scrub Oak retains the character and wildlife value of our larger native oaks while remaining relatively short, making it more practical for most people’s yards. Nice companion plants include Keckiella cordifolia, Lepechina calycina, Trichostema and Dendromecon rigida.


Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Dry, Light

Soil: Clay, Loam, Rocky, Sand

Other: Attracts Birds, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Moths, Drought Tolerant, Erosion Control


D-40-O, D-16, D-40S-o

Ecological Value

Larval host plant for the California Sister, Propertius Duskywind, Mournful Duskywind, Golden Hairstreak, and Golden Hunter's Hairstreak butterflies., Numerous birds, mammals, reptiles, and insects reap many benefits from this species (habitat, food, etc.).

Historical Uses

No known historical uses.


Shasta County to San Diego County and into Baja California, Mexico.


-659" – 8808"


Dry slopes, canyons, foothills, marine terraces, from coast to inland, mostly below 5,000 ft from


Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub