Showing 17–32 of 39 results

Coast silktassel An evergreen shrub to small tree to 12’x12′ that responds well to pruning. A prolific bloomer with yellow-pink-cream colored male catkins that dangle 12″ or more from the ends of the branches in winter to early spring, making a spectacular show and turning gray as they age. The name silk tassel describes these…

$9.90 – $42.40
Northern California Black Walnut A deciduous tree medium sized tree that grows to 30-60 ft., grows along stream beds. Space 30-60 ft apart. This black walnut is endemic to Northern California and possibly has only a few native stands remaining. It is threatened by hybridization with orchard trees, urbanization, and habitat conversion to agriculture. It…

$9.90 – $14.30
California wax myrtle This evergreen shrub or small tree grows to 10′-15’ tall with an annual growth rate of 12 to 18 inches. It can be used in the landscape as a hedge or to soften an unattractive feature or wall. California wax myrtle is easy to grow. It can be sheared to produce a…

Gray pine Gray pine is a fast growing, drought-tolerant, native evergreen conifer. Mature trees average from 40 to 80 feet in height. Space 35’0″ apart. A great tree for light shade in a dry garden. The most drought resistant of all Pines, and the only that has forked branches. The silver or olive gray needles…

$2.73 – $15.70
Western sycamore A deciduous tree that grows about 40’ tall by 30’ wide. Space 30’0″ apart. The bark is one of the most amazing feature of this tree . The bark can look like a jigsaw puzzle with its interesting patchwork of colors. If there is plenty of room for this tree in a home…

$1.75 – $15.70
Fremont cottonwood This deciduous, and fast growing tree, is valued for providing tranquil shade. Has a spreading open crown, and grows from 50-75 ft. When the wind blows, the leaves sound like a cascading stream. Space 25’0″ apart. Bark is silver gray with plated furrows and amber fissures. The 2-4 in. leaves turn from copper…

Black cottonwood Black cottonwood is a very fast-growing and potentially large tree. growing up to 100-150 feet tall. Space 25′ apart. It is easy to establish, and useful for shade. It is also valued for its fast growth and scented foliage in spring. The aggressive root systems are an effective soil stabilizer. Watch out for…

$10.90 – $30.25
Hollyleaf cherry This evergreen shrub/tree is slow to establish at first, but after reaching maturity it grows more rapidly to 10-25′ tall & 15′ wide. Space 10-12′ apart. Thrives in full sun and has low water requirements. The cherries are edible but have very little flesh. Provides food for many birds. It has holly-like leaves…

Douglas fir Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, Thou tree most fair and lovely! The common Christmas Tree, or Pseudotsuga meniesii is the most prominent evergreen conifer species in the Pacific Northwest. Second in size to the Coastal Redwood in habit and form, but with a wider growing range. Has a moderate growth rate typically…

$4.95 – $42.40
Coast live oak This stately drought resistant evergreen tree grows from 40 to 100 feet tall and has more wildlife associated with it that any other tree in California! Space 35’0″ apart. Several deep main roots tap groundwater if present to a depth of 36 feet and develops an extensive horizontal root branches and surface-feeding…

Canyon Live Oak Canyon Live oak is an evergreen that size varies between 20-100′ tall. It commonly grows near creeks and drainage swales. Space 30’0″ apart. A medium sized tree found in the mountains in most parts of the state, and having the widest distribution of any of the native oaks. Companion plants include Madrones,…

$9.90 – $10.90
Blue oak Blue oak is a slow growing deciduous oak that usually grows 15-25 feet tall and about as wide. It is endemic to California and found in the foothills of the Central Valley. Space 40’0″ apart. Does well with little care and no water. Rustic blue-grey leaves and light-colored bark. Makes a great shade…

$2.48 – $9.90
Garry oak Garry oak, also known as Oregon white oak is a slow to moderate growing, winter deciduous, tree that grows from 20-65 feet tall depending on its range. It has a broad spreading, rounded crown, rugged, heavy ascending, crooked branches, often shrubby when young. It provides habitat for many species including birds and moss….

California black oak This deciduous oak typically gets 40′ tall x 30′ wide with attractive bark & deeply-lobed, dark green leaves on widely spreading branches. Space 20-40′ apart. One of the most handsome and desirable of the California oaks, the springtime leaves of this deciduous tree unfold with colors of pink, crimson and purple. In…

$7.43 – $38.50
Valley oak A deciduous tree that grows to 70′. Space 40′ apart. Grows into the largest of North American oaks. It is also the fastest growing of our California Oaks, it can grow to 20′ in 5 years. William Henry Brewer, chief botanist for the first California Geological Survey wrote “Some of these oaks were…

$5.78 – $10.90
Interior live oak A handsome slow growing (1-2 ‘ per/yr) evergreen tree that can reach 50′ or more, and as broad. It has glossy, dark-green leaves. Space 35’0″ apart. Native to lower and middle elevations of the coast ranges, Sierra Nevada of Calif. and Baja. It likes sun, no water in its range, to moderate…