Showing 1–16 of 39 results

Vine maple Vine maple grow to 12’x12′ but easily adapted to espalier or container. Space 3-5′ apart. It is prized for its graceful habit & fall color, a wonderful addition to a woodland garden & a nice alternative to Japanese maple. Lovely planted with Redwood Sorrel & native ferns. In shade it has more of…

$9.90 – $38.50
Bigleaf maple This deciduous tree grows 40-100’ making it a suitable choice for large gardens and parks. Space >40′ apart. Squirrels & chipmunks relish seeds, and it provides valuable shelter for wildlife. If properly watered, young trees will establish fast (>3 feet per year). Once established, they are fairly drought tolerant (growth slows to ~1…

$9.90 – $42.40
Box-elder This deciduous tree grows to 30′ to 50’ and is an excellent stream side stabilizer. A great plant to attract wildlife as many species of birds and squirrels feed on the seeds. Young shoots grow quickly (~2 feet per year) and will establish a dense shady canopy in a few years. Space 25′ apart….

$11.78 – $42.40
California buckeye This drought tolerant deciduous tree grows 15-40′ tall with a spread of 30-60′. A moderately paced grower, it will reach about 20′ in 8 years, growing at a rate of about 3′ per year. Space 30’0″ apart. California buckeye provides year-round beauty to the garden. During the dormant season, the handsome, thick-stemmed silhouette…

$2.25 – $42.40
White alder This fast growing deciduous tree grows to 50’ tall and 30’ wide. Space >40′ apart. Excellent choice for a quick growing shade tree that is heat tolerant. Great for bird and butterfly gardens or creek-side erosion control, where the tree can be planted right next to the water. Roots have nitrogen fixing bacteria….

Red Alder Red alder is a deciduous, fast growing medium sized tree reaching 80-120 feet tall and 1 to 3 feet in diameter. Space 20-40′ apart. Alders provide filtered light, not the dark shade of other trees. They are excellent for waterside and boggy sites. Their chief beauty is the speckled bark that shows well…

$8.50 – $16.50
Pacific madrone This evergreen tree averages 30 ft in height and a 25 ft spread. Space 25’0″ apart. Madrones are slow to moderate growing but are prized for their attractive reddish bark that peels to reveal blond wood underneath. White to pink urn-shaped flowers arrive in the spring followed by bright orange edible berries. This…

Dr. Hurd manzanita Dr. Hurd grows into a tree-like shrub up to 15 feet tall. Often used as a specimen tree, this Manzanita is prized for its red, peeling bark and twisted branching patterns. It needs well-drained soil and full sun. It has clusters of white bell-shaped flowers from January through March. Good companion plants…

$9.90 – $16.50
Mountain Mahogany Mountain mahogany is an erect, slow to moderate growing shrub or small tree growing 10-15′ tall x 6′ wide. Space 12-15′ apart. Prune-able for a narrow planting area, side yard, screen, or hedge. A quietly colorful plant with smooth bark, reddish gray branches, and tiny yellow flowers followed by feather-like seeds. If possible,…

Desert Willow This deciduous shrub to small tree reaches 12′-20′ in height with an equal spread. It will go dormant from late fall to mid spring. Space 6-8′ apart. Known for its fantastic summer blooms, Desert Willow makes for a hardy and drought-tolerant addition to the garden, once established. The tube-shaped flowers attract many pollinators…

California hazelnut This deciduous shrub (to small tree) grows 5-15’ tall and wide. Space 10-20′ apart. It is a good choice among small trees to create a “woodland” effect in small gardens, especially under conifers. In the wild, it is found along damp slopes and stream banks. This species grows with a spreading and airy…

$13.00 – $14.30
Black hawthorn Black Hawthorn is a deciduous tree. It can spread into thickets and grows to about 15-30 feet tall. It has a moderate growth rate. Clusters of fragrant white flowers appear in the spring giving it the another name of Mayflower. It is found growing in moist locations along forest edges and along streams…

Desert Olive Desert Olive is a deciduous shrub to tree that grows to 5′-10′ tall and 4′-5′ wide, often forms thickets in moister areas of otherwise dry environments, frequently mixing with oaks. Space 4-6 ft apart. These plants have an erect development. In the lower part they usually show a bare stem, while towards the…

$2.25 – $15.70
Oregon ash A deciduous, medium sized (30′-80′) tree, symmetrical in shape, growing about half as wide as it is tall. This tree may reach the age of 250 years and is fast growing the first third of those years, then grows slowly. Space 30′ apart. Oregon ash is commonly found in riparian habitats. In open…

Pacific Sunset flannelbush Pacific Sunset is a fast growing, small tree. It quickly grows to 20′ in height. 3” yellow flowers abound in the spring with beautiful, profuse abandon. The leaves have a leathery and fuzzy texture reminiscent of flannel (thus the name), and the yellow and orange flowers are large and showy. Flannel bushes…

Coast Silk tassel Silk Tassel is an evergreen shrub with a moderate growth rate. It grows from 5 to 10 feet in height and 8 to 10 feet in diameter. In ideal conditions, it can reach as high as 20 feet and may be trained as a tree. Space 12′ apart. The long beautiful tassels…