Physocarpus capitatus


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A deciduous shrub, 5′ tall and about 5′ wide.

The spring flower show is delightful. Fall color can be intense red to orange. It’s common name tells of the various texture of the peeling bark.

Ninebark likes part shade in hot locations and drought tolerant in coastal areas.

It grows well under oaks and tolerates serpentine soil.

Lifeform: Shrub

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Dry, High, Light, Moderate

Soil: Clay, Loam, Rocky, Sand

Other: Attracts Birds, Drought Tolerant, Erosion Control



1-Gal-O, 2-Gal, 2-Gal-O, 5-Gal-O, D-16SO, D-40-O, TB4-O, 1-Gal, 1-GalS, 2-GalS-o, 5-Gal, 5-GalS, D-40, D-40S, D-40S-o, TB2S, TB4

Ecological Value

Particularly valuable for streambank and lakeshore stabilization applications. Pacific ninebark provides good cover and nesting sites for birds and small mammals.

Historical Uses

Although considered toxic by some, Ninebark was used as an emetic, purgative and laxative by Native Americans.


Ranges from Alaska to California west of the Cascade Mountains with small population in northern Idaho.


Between 0 and 4500 feet


Grows along streambanks and on slopes in moist, somewhat open places but can occasionally be found on drier, brushy sites.