Marah fabacea


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Wild cucumber

Wild cucumber is a climbing perennial that dies back after fruiting.

These are attractive early plants that easily climb to the tops of trees. In May they are covered in blossoms and round spiny fruit.

Great for wild gardens where it has places to climb like our chicken wire fence that separates the parking lot from the nursery garden bed.

Wild cucumber grows most vigorously by streams or in washes but is also successful in dry chaparral, at elevations.

Previously named Marah fabaceus.

Sun: Part Shade, Shade

Water: Dry, Light, Moderate

Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Bees, Attracts Birds


Ecological Value

Its early spring flowers provide a well-timed and abundant nectar source for the green hairstreak butterfly, concurrent with the butterfly’s spring flight.


D-40-O, 4", D-40, TB4

Historical Uses

Used medicinally by Native Californians, and the early California peoples (Mexican-Americans). The toot has been used as a fish drug.


Endemic to California.


Between 150 to 4860 feet


Grows in washes or under oaks.