Mahonia pinnata

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California Barberry

Previously known as Mahonia pinnata, this smallish shrub will reach 4′-8′ in mature height, and slowly creeping runners allow it to form dense drifts over time.

This is a nice looking, dark green evergreen shrub that grows in shady north slopes, rock outcroppings, seeps and springs and even chaparral slopes of the inner Coast Ranges. The glossy leaves make this Berberis very desirable. The plants are beautiful and easy, though slow to grow.

Just wait until spring: brightly colored new growth with bronze, copper, and reddish hues; 1″-2″ long clusters of yellow flowers followed later by edible, dark blue autumn berries!

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Dry, Light

Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Bees, Drought Tolerant



D-40-O, D-40

Ecological Value

Great source of nectar for bees

Historical Uses

Barberrys were used to treat wounds, eczema, and all manner of skin problems.


Native to California and is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America


Between 0 and 3,937 feet


Rocky exposed places and woody slopes