Madia elegans


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Common Madia

This 3′-5′ tall annual wildflower has foliage and flowers that smell like pineapple, velvety leaves that beckon your touch, and a profusion of yellow daisy flowers in the late summer. Foliage and stems are covered with sticky, aromatic glandular hairs.

Goldfinches are especially fond of tarweed seeds.

Blooms from late spring through summer when few other native annuals are flowering. You can count on seeing the profuse flowers again next year as it reliably self sows.

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Light, Moderate

Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Birds, Deer Resistant


Ecological Value

An important late nectar source for butterflies.


4", 4"S

Historical Uses

Although quite small, the seed was a staple food for some native North American Indian tribes


Native to California and also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America.


Between 0 and 10991 feet


Dry slopes and grassy meadows.