Leptosiphon grandiflorus


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Large-flowered Leptosiphon

Large-Flowered Leptosiphon is an annual wildflower that only reaches six inches tall. It blooms throughout spring and summer with clusters of white to pink, funnel-shaped flowers with a tinge of lavender on the edges of its petals.

This species prefers fast draining soil, so best to plant it in a sandy or rocky spot with full sun in the garden. A wonderful choice for bee and butterfly gardens!


Sun: Full Sun

Water: Dry, Light

Soil: Rocky, Sand

Other: Attracts Bees, Attracts Beetles, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Moths, Drought Tolerant


4", D-16

Ecological Value

Likely host of the Buchwheat Borer Moth and Three-striped Longhorn Beetle.

Historical Uses

No known historical uses.


Endemic to the California central coast and Bay Area.


21" – 4278"


Open, grassy flats in sandy soil


Chaparral, Closed-cone Pine Forest, Coastal Prairie, Coastal Sage Scrub, Coastal Strand, Foothill Woodland, Northern Coastal Scrub, Valley Grassland