Horkelia californica


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California Horkelia

Endemic to California, this perennial herb grows in coastal scrubs and on inland mountain grades.

The plant grows in clumps from 0.5-1 feet wide and 0.3-4 feet tall. Flowers vary from white, yellow, pink to cream colored.

Grows well with blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium bellum) and checker mallows (Sidalcea sp.)

Many beneficial insects are attracted to this plant from the butterflies to bees.

Lifeform: Perennial

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Dry, Light, Moderate

Soil: Loam, Rocky, Sand

Other: Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies


4", D-16

Ecological Value

Host plant for the Ediths Copper butterfly.

Historical Uses

Decoction of root used as a blood purifier.


It is endemic to California


7' – 6,488'


it grows on scrubby coastal and inland mountain slopes., a