Grindelia camporum


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Great valley gumplant

This herbaceous perennial’s upright habit makes it an excellent candidate for meadow gardens and mixed borders, especially along the front of a dry border. Space 2’0″ apart.

A fast growing, hardy, super drought tolerant, evergreen shrub 1-3 ft. tall that will grow to 4 feet with water, this plant produces abundant 2-inch wide, bright yellow daisy-like blooms from spring well into summer. It is a pollinator power hosue. This species is called gum plant because of the sticky substance covering the plant. It is coveted by humans for medicinal purposes, but even more so by American Painted Lady butterflies or Umber Skippers for nectar. Plus loads of bees visit for pollen.

Lifeform: Perennial

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Dry, Light

Soil: Clay, Loam, Rocky, Sand

Other: Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant



D-16-O, D-40-O, D-40O, 1-Gal, D-16, D-40, D-40S, D-40S-o

Ecological Value

Pollinated by many insects including butterflies, bees, and hover flies. It is coveted by American Painted Lady butterflies for nectar

Historical Uses

Gum plant has a number of uses, from treating various skin ailments (boils, wounds, and poison oak) to being an analgesic. Many indigenous groups used this plant and it's close relatives.


Endemic to California.


Between 0 and 4593 feet


Dry, sunny, rocky or clayey, brushy or grassy slopes,flats, roadsides & swales.