Elymus glaucus


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Blue wildrye

A perennial grass that grows in small, but tall tufts, reaching 3 to 5 feet tall. Typically found in open meadows, fields, ditch banks, road cuts, etc. Space 1-3′ apart.

Blue wildrye can be used ornamentally for its gray foliage, or to hold slopes for erosion control. Short-lived and rather weedy, it naturally grows with oaks and conifers and is often used in re-vegetation.

FYI, the name elumos is from the Greek term for a “grain.”

Lifeform: Grass

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Dry, Light, Moderate

Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Erosion Control



D-16-O, D-16SO, SC, Stub-O, D-16, D-16S, D-16S-o, D-40, SC-o, SCS, SCS-o, Stub, StubS, StubS-o

Ecological Value

Good for stream bank restoration, meadow and swale seeding. It is also excellent for reseeding burned areas in oak woodland or forest. Also provides excellent wildlife habitat for mammals, birds, and

Historical Uses

Seeds made into a porridge and eaten by the Ohlone people. Also used by the Karok people as a medicine to settle quarrels between families or individuals.


Native to California and is also found elsewhere in North America and beyond.


Between 0 and 8202 feet


Open woods, prairie, thickets, and moist or dry hillsides.