Clematis ligusticifolia


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Virgins’ bower

Virgin’s bower is an undemanding deciduous vine that can readily cover a dark fence or wall, or just trail through the nearby shrubs and trees in the garden.

This plant occurs naturally along streams, so plant in a wet place or irrigate in the garden.  The flowers are white to off-white and are borne in large clusters.

Lifeform: Perennial

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Moderate

Soil: Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Butterflies



D-40-O, D-16, D-40, D-40S, D-40S-o, TB2-o, TB2S-o

Ecological Value

Good butterfly and hummingbird nectar source.

Historical Uses

Used by numerous Native American tribes for ailments from sore throat to backache, bedwetting to toothache. A poultice of mashed, moistened leaves was applied to severe burns. Seed floss makes excelle


native to California and is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America.


between 0 and 7000 feet

