Clarkia purpurea


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Winecup clarkia

Winecup clarkia is a California native annual wildflower found in various habitats, but usually in open grassy places, thus it adapts well to sunny garden situations or pots. A rare nursery find, this plant erects a thin reddish stem that gets to 18” tall (depending on soil fertility) and has an upright habit.  Its real selling point are its wine cup shape, stunningly shiny, ¼-1” deep purple flowers! Like most other clarkias it is very easy to grow, snail proof, blooms Spring thru early Summer, & lasts for weeks as a cut flower…AND it reseeds! Planted early in the ground it will not need to be watered, but planted late or in pots, it will need additional water to thrive.

Lifeform: Annual

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Light, Moderate

Soil: Clay, Loam

Other: Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies




Ecological Value

Special value to native bees.

Historical Uses

Indigenous Californians sowed Clarkia species and harvested the seeds to grind for food.


Native to California and also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America.


Between 0 and 6000 feet


Open grassy places, coastal, slopes