Clarkia bottae


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Punch Bowl Godetia

Annual wildflower that reaches 3.3 ft. tall and 0.5 with beautiful lavender or pink-purple bowl shaped flowers that bloom throughout the spring. The petals are often lighter in color towards the base and speckled with red.

Larval host plant for several species of butterflies and moths, and is a wonderful pollen and nectar source for bees and adult butterflies and moths.

In the garden this species is tolerant of a variety of soil types– even saline and sodic soils!

Grows beautifully with native grasses, other annuals and perennials such as Chinese Houses, Blue Dicks, California Poppy, Gilia, Tidy Tips, Lupines, Baby Blue Eyes, and Penstemons.

Lifeform: Annual

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Dry, Light

Soil: Clay, Loam, Rocky, Sand

Other: Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Moths, Drought Tolerant


4", D-16

Ecological Value

Larval host plant for Mariposa Forester butterfly, and likely a larval host of the White-lined sphinx moth, Pacific green sphinx moth, and Clark's day sphinx moth., Pollen and nectar source for a variety of bees.

Historical Uses

No known historical uses.


Endemic to the coastal plains, foothills and mountains from Santa Clara County to San Diego County


13" – 6109"


Open places in grasslands and meadow-like areas, sometimes in opening between larger shrubs