Carex praegracilis


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Deer-bed sedge

This short rich green sedge will grow to 2 feet tall with a floppy habit.

It spreads by runners, making it a great lawn substitute (once established, can handle substantial foot traffic), and a bank stabilizer.

Sedges can handle standing water and full sun and Works well in a meadow garden with water loving seep monkeyflower, rushes, hedgenettles, and yerba mansa.

Summer dormant, turning a buff color if not watered.

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Dry, Light, Moderate

Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Birds, Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Erosion Control.

Ecological Value

Birds will eat the seeds and use grass fibers for nesting material. Strong root system filters water, is good for soil stabilization.


D-16-O, Stub-O, 1-Gal, D-16, D-16S, D-16S-o, Stub

Historical Uses

Many species of Carex were used in basket weaving by native Californians.


Native to much of North America except for the southeastern region.


Between 0 and 9000 feet


Meadows, open, wet areas, marshes, seeps, seasonally wet edges of ponds and frequently in alkaline soil