Bromus sitchensis var. carinatus


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California bromegrass

California brome is a short lived medium-tall, competitive, native bunchgrass valued for its rapid and easy establishment for re-vegetation and erosion control purposes. Space 30-36″ apart.

The deep fibrous root system makes the plant fairly resistant to grazing and drought. Provides good cover for wildlife and the seed is consumed by quail and small mammals. California brome is also a larval food plant for the Umber Skipper butterfly.

This hardy grass is a native competitor to exotic weeds. Plant it a year or two in advance of planting other native grasses.

Lifeform: Grass

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Dry, Light

Soil: Clay, Loam

Other: Attracts Birds, Attracts Butterflies, Drought Tolerant, Erosion Control


D-16SO, Stub-O, StubSO, D-16, D-16S, Stub, StubS, StubS-o

Ecological Value

Provides good cover for wildlife and the seed is consumed by quail and small mammals.

Historical Uses

Native Americans often dried and ground the seeds into flour to make bread and other foods.


From British Columbia south to lower California and west to the Rocky Mountains from Alberta to New Mexico.


Between 0 and 11482 feet


Bottomlands, mountain slopes, valleys, and ridge tops