Arctostaphylos edmundsii ‘Carmel Sur’


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 Carmel Sur Manzanita

This popular Manzanita cultivar, ‘Carmel Sur’ (formerly ‘Emerald Carpet’) is valued for its dense, petite, deep green foliage and rapid spreading growth, up to two feet a year. It will grow to about 1 foot tall and 6 feet wide in the form of mounds or patchy mats in sandy soils. Space 4 feet apart. The small, urn-shaped flowers are white to pale pink, and will produce shiny red-brown drupe fruit

Since this is a hybrid of two coastal species, it is not very tolerant of heavy clay, but it does well in most other soil types. A little supplemental summer water is necessary farther inland from the coast, and it prefers afternoon shade. Avoid direct salt spray if planting along the coast!

An excellent choice for groundcover and beautiful addition to coastal gardens and habitat gardens.

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Light, Moderate

Soil: Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Birds, Attracts Bees



1-Gal, D-40

Historical Uses

No known historical uses.


Natural hybrid of A. uva-ursi x. A. nummularaia, collected on the coast in Haven’s Neck, Mendocino County by Percy Everett and introduced by Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden in 1974.


Selected cultivar, N/A


Selected cultivar, N/A


Selected cultivar, N/A