Alnus rhombifolia


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White alder

This fast growing deciduous tree grows to 50’ tall and 30’ wide. Space >40′ apart.

Excellent choice for a quick growing shade tree that is heat tolerant. Great for bird and butterfly gardens or creek-side erosion control, where the tree can be planted right next to the water.

Roots have nitrogen fixing bacteria. Native Americans used the shoots for arrows and roots for baskets.

Lifeform: Tree

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade, Shade

Water: High, Light, Moderate

Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Birds, Attracts Butterflies, Erosion Control



4-Gal, 5-Gal-O, D-16-O, D-40-O, D-40SO, TB4-O, TP4-O, 4-Gal-o, 5-Gal, D-16, D-16S, D-16S-o, D-40, D-40S, D-40S-o, TB4, TB4S-o, TP4, TP4S-o

Ecological Value

Provides creek side erosions control. Prefers heavy soil and a damp situation and readily fixes nitrogen into the soil. Loved by birds and butterflies.

Historical Uses

Native Americans used the shoots for arrows and roots for baskets. Freshly harvested inner bark is emetic but loses emetic properties when dried.


Native to California and also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America.


Between 0 and 5000 feet

