Abutilon palmeri


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Palmer’s Abutilon

Palmer’s Abutilon is a dense semi evergreen shrub of tropical origins. It likes the hot, dry desert, and is found in the scorching areas of southern California. Indian mallow likes to spread out, growing 3-5 ft tall and equally as wide.

It has warm, fuzzy, heart-shaped leaves and produces beautiful golden orange flowers in the summer months. When watered it tends to have a gray-green color, but a specimen in a drier garden is silver gray.

Pinching and pruning will help keep this plant looking good. Don’t water too much in the winter, or keep it too dry in the early summer, and beware of super cold temperatures because it will not survive frequent frosts.

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Dry, Light

Soil: Sand, Rocky

Other: Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Birds, Attracts Bees, Drought Tolerant