Edwin Ruiz
Plant Production Associate / Board Member
Edwin is our newest employee at the Watershed Nursery and this is his first time working with California native plants, but so far it has been a very enriching experience for him. He has learned a lot and continues to do so! His respect for native plant species grows greater day by day as he learns more about how important a role each of them plays in our environment. He is happy to belong to the Watershed Nursery Cooperative and contribute to the conservation of our natural environment

Hola atodos mi nombre es Edwin Ruiz soy un poco nuevo trabajando para esta compañía, y especialmente con plantas nativas de California, pero realmente ha sido una experiencia muy enriquecedora para mi
he aprendido mucho y los sigo haciendo, mi respeto por estas especies Nativas se hace más grande dia a dia al entender cuan importante rol cumplem cada una de ellas en nuestro medio ambiente. contento de pertenecer a TWN coop, y contribuir a la conservación de nuestro entorno natural