Fall garden preparation with California native plants

October 2022 Plant Availability
October 2022 Plant Availability


Although it’s still quite warm across the East Bay, we are finally starting to get a taste of beginning-of-fall weather! Now that the autumn equinox has passed, the days are growing shorter, mornings are becoming crisper, and the breeze is picking up here in Point Richmond. As the season shifts, many of you may be thinking about which plants you’d like to add to your garden this planting season. California native plants are very well suited to planting at this time of year, and we are lucky to have an abundance of great species hitting our retail shelves each week!

Why is fall (mid-September to mid-November) the best time to plant California native plants?
  • They are able to acclimate to their new homes without much stress
  • Less heat stress as temperatures cool down
  • Many pests and diseases that plague gardens in the spring/summer aren’t as big of a threat in the fall
  • The roots have a chance to grow during fall and most of winter without having to supply nourishment to the leafy portions of the plant
  • This allows them to stock up on nutrients and water in preparation for their above-ground growth in the spring 🙂
  • Cooler day and night temperatures slowly harden off the top of the plant to prepare for the cold days of winter
  • Plants put in the ground in fall need less water to establish 
  • Photosynthesis is slowed by shorter days, so the plants themselves use less water this time of year
  • Evaporation rates slow down so moisture in the soil lasts longer
  • Plants that thrive in dry spots benefit extra from fall planting, as they need an established root system before the following year’s dry season to achieve their drought tolerance potential

Below are some spectacular species that are sure to bring some enchantment to your fall gardens!

  • Deciduous shrub that grows 5 ft. tall
  • Lime colored leaves and long showy pendulums of pink flower clusters cover the plant during late fall and winter
  • Drought tolerant in coastal conditions
  • Great option under oaks
  • An extra enticing species for hummingbirds!

  • Spiny deciduous shrub that grows 3 – 9 ft. tall
  • Berries are edible (and delicious! You’ll know they’re ripe when they turn black) 
  • Provide lovely fall color, fragrant foliage, and great flowers
  • Loved by many bird species native to California
  • Wonderful understory plant under oaks as well as in riparian corridors

  • Semi-evergreen shrub that grows 4 ft. tall x 6 ft. wide
  • One of our showiest California native plants due to its dangling red blossoms (which makes this one another fantastic hummingbird plant!)
  • Can tolerate full sun or partial shade
  • Typically goes deciduous in the summer
  • Likes dry conditions in the warm season and moist conditions during the cool season (best to not water in the summer once established!)

  • Attractive herbaceous perennial that grows 1.5 ft. tall x 2 ft. wide
  • Well-suited for growing in containers, rock gardens, informal gardens, and cascading down rock walls
  • Terrific hummingbird plant as its bloom period coincides with their southern migration
  • Blooms late summer to early fall
  • May be pruned to the ground as needed for best appearance (don’t worry about being too aggressive because it re-vegetates rapidly)

  • Perennial that grows 1 – 3 ft. tall
  • Lavender pink flowers make a vibrant display mid-summer to late fall
  • Foliage smells lovely (and has a strong camphor-like smell that deters deer!)
  • Prefers full sun to part shade and light/moderate/high water

  • Attractive and hardy evergreen perennial, which makes it a wonderful option for hedges and privacy screens
  • Typically grows 8-10 feet tall and wide, but may be kept kept narrow and short (around 6 feet) with pruning
  • Grows rapidly and thrives in both sun and shade
  • Seed plumes shimmer in the late summer/early fall (especially if planted in a backlit area!)

  • Deciduous shrub that grows 2 ft. tall by 3 ft. wide
  • Named for its attractive white berries that provide winter food for birds (although the berries are toxic to humans!) 
  • Wonderful choice for planting under oaks and in other dry shade conditions
  • Also fantastic for erosion control on steep banks since its roots are vigorous and deep
  • Likely will attract quail, pheasants, and grouse in the garden

From all of us at the Watershed Nursery, happy planting!! It is our greatest joy to see our plant babies going to so many good homes 🙂
Stay Safe, ‘Bee’ Well, and Go Natives!

Happy Planting! From all of us at The Watershed Nursery. 
  • Sign up to receive announcements of our Plant Sales and Events (if you have not already done so). 
  • On our Facebook Page we post a plant of the month with photos and gardening information.
  • Check out photos and videos on our Instagram
  • Landscape and gardening professionals receive a 10% discount on all plants (except for sale plants) purchased for professional use.
  • Resellers: All the plants are available for wholesale purchase. Provide us your resellers license to receive a 20% discount on the listed price (except for sale plants) and no sales tax.   

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